Fire Services Tackle Hadlow Down Blaze

East Sussex Fire and Rescue Services were called out to a a large garden fire in the centre of Hadlow Down on Wednesday evening.

Outbuildings, gardening machinery, other items and fencing were destroyed in the blaze but we understand no one was injured .
The residents have thanked neighbours and other local people in a post on the Hadlow Down Facebook group page and added a link for any help others can give:

Wealden DC Consulting Residents on Council Tax Rises

Have your say on Council Tax Increases!

Wealden DC are consulting residents on increasing Council Tax for the next financial Year.
The closing date for  the consultation period is 20th January. and it is therefor important for residents to submit any comments as soon as possible.
The page that outlines the consultation is:
and the link to the consultation itself is:

2022-23 Policing Priorities and Funding Survey By The Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner

Sussex PCC Katy Bourne is asking Sussex residents about the crime and community safety issues that matter to them, their experience of contacting police, and about police funding.

She said: “I want to know which issues matter most to people, and ask what can be done to address them by all our local partners working in collaboration with the police. This helps me set the local policing priorities for the Chief Constable to address as set out in my Police and Crime Plan.

“As the elected Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner I am also responsible for securing the annual budget for Sussex Police, which consists of an annual Government Grant and the police precept element of your council tax (which makes up 41% of the total). Continue reading “2022-23 Policing Priorities and Funding Survey By The Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner”