Hadlow Down BIG Macmillan Coffee Morning

 One week to go before the Hadlow Down Macmillan BIG Coffee Morning.
A fabulous way to meet up with old friends, make new ones, for those new to our community an opportunity to meet established residents, to find out what may be going on in our drama, horticultural, book and other clubs.
A chance to chat about who’s doing what and what’s going on.
Chat about anything and anyone over a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy a piece of cake by the renowned bakers of our village.
Oh, and of course, when you have your coffee and cake you’re helping the wonderful Macmillan Cancer Relief Charity!

Love is Blind by William Boyd

‘Life without complications isn’t really a life’

Our choice in July was ‘Love is Blind’ by William Boyd. Like many of Boyd’s novels (e.g. ‘Any Human Heart’) it follows the protagonist’s life, in this case ten years of Brodie Mancur’s life at the beginning of the 20th century as he flees around the world from a pursuer bent on revenge. It is therefore a picaresque adventure story owing much to one of Boyd’s heroes, Robert Louis Stevenson, as well as to Chekhov – another influence on his writing. Continue reading “Love is Blind by William Boyd”

‘Becoming’ by Michelle Obama – ‘wife, mother, dog lover’

Becoming’ opens with an anecdote that sets the tone of warmth throughout the book. She tells how, having left the White House, and hungry in the night, she goes down to her own kitchen and makes a cheese toastie to eat on her back doorstep, suddenly becoming aware of her newly-found freedom to do something that would be impossible in the White House. So starts the memoir of a woman who grew up in a humble black-district in the south side of Chicago and rose to become America’s First Lady with many achievements in her own right. Continue reading “‘Becoming’ by Michelle Obama – ‘wife, mother, dog lover’”

Booking Secretary Required for Hadlow Down Village Hall.

The Village Hall Committee are looking for a replacement for our bookings secretary, who is stepping down from her position. This is a salaried post and requires approximately 10 hours per month. The bookings secretary is responsible for taking bookings over email and phone, managing the online diary, updating the website, putting a user check list sheet in the hall at the start of each week, monthly invoicing sent out via email.
For any queries regarding this post, or if you would like to apply please contact Sally Blyfield on villagehallchairhadlowdown@gmail.com

Charity Quiz Night

Come and support your local charity Engage in their annual fund-raising quiz. All proceeds go to running the TN22 Clubs, which helps to combat social isolation and loneliness and provides a vital resource for carers.

Ikarus Inc.

The Rude Mechanicals Theatre Company has now cancelled tonight’s performance on the Playing Field.
We are told that due to the high winds they were unable to erect their tents.

Hastingford Lane Closed

We are getting reports that Hastingford Lane that runs between Hadlow Down and Crowborough is closed  due to a RTA and police say it may be closedc for the rest of the day.
Other reports suggest that going via Stonehurst Lane past KIt Wilson and then via Rotherfield may be an option.
Villagers are currently updating on the Village Facebook page

Vandals Set Fire to School ‘Outdoor Classroom’

Many villagers may already be aware, that sadly some mindless individuals have intentionally set fire to St. Mark’s School ‘outdoor classroom’ area at SMILE Meadow. The school has informed the Police and the Fire Service and, at present, are thinking of how they can move forward to rebuild this area for the children. As this is a temporary structure, it is unfortunately not insured. Once the school has some ideas, they would like to call on all parents and the village community for any donations of materials and time to help us with its reconstruction.

Continue reading “Vandals Set Fire to School ‘Outdoor Classroom’”