A New Way of Reporting Crime

Police Forces across England & Wales are using a new system called Single Online Home (SOH). This is a policing portal which allows the public to easily report crimes, incidents and information online.

The police non-emergency phone number 101 remains available if personal contact is required. However, using SOH significantly reduces wait times for those reporting crimes or incidents, or if you simply wish to provide some information to the police. Reporting online via SOH is easy and effective. It has been positively endorsed by a number of Neighbourhood Watch members who have had the opportunity to use it.

The new portal can be found on the home page of the recently updated Sussex Police website www.sussex.police.uk. In addition to the Report area, here you will find a new box “Tell us about …”. There is a drop down from which you can select, for example, “Something you’ve seen or heard”.

We have given you this information as we know that some people are rightly cautious about clicking on links in E-mails. However, there are some shortcut links available as below, which we have tested for you.

If reporting a crime or incident which has occurred in Sussex, SOH is available directly viahttps://sussex.police.uk/contact-us/report-online/. You can scroll further down that page to see other options.

If reporting a crime or incident which has occurred outside of Sussex, SOH is available viahttps://report.police.uk.

If it’s something that you’ve seen or heard the link ishttps://www.sussex.police.uk/tua/tell-us-about/soh/something-youve-seen-or-heard/.

SOH should not be used for an emergency – dialling 999 remains the means of contact if there is danger to a person or if a crime is being committed.

All reports submitted via SOH will receive an immediate acknowledgement message. Reports are reviewed in live time, and within 48 hours Sussex Police will provide a personal response from a named staff member.

A Message From a Prospective Parish Councillor

My name is Peter Weston. I decided to stand for election to Hadlow Down Parish Council after reading an article in the Parish Magazine that said the Parish Council was in danger of folding because too few local residents might put their names forward for election. As a firm believer in local democracy I do not want the Council to disappear so I decided that it is about time I became more involved with, and put something back into, the community in which I have lived for almost 32 years, particularly in relation to improving access (i.e. communications, utilites and public transport) and the environment. Continue reading “A Message From a Prospective Parish Councillor”

Scam ‘Fake police phone call’?

A lady in the village has received a ‘phone call purporting to be from an officer at Charing Cross Police Station asking if they have a friend, or know of an acquaintance with a certain name.
The lady fearing the call may be a scam put the phone down on the caller before he had finished talking, then, having second thoughts that the call may be genuine rang the Metropolitan Police back asking if the call could possibly be from someone at Charing Cross Police Station only to be told that as the Charing Cross Police Centre was so large they were unable to confirm!
It’s not known of what form the scam may have been had the caller been allowed to finish what he was saying or if it was actually a scam?
Anyone who has received similar calls or may have any other information please contact Hadlow Down Neighbourhood Watch at nhw.hadlowdown.com

Offer of the ‘Little Book of Scams’ from Sussex Police

Frauds and scams come in many forms, and they do not discriminate; regardless of our age, financial situation or personal circumstances, anyone of us can fall victim to fraudsters.
We’ve got some great tools and tips to help arm you against fraud and scams in our ‘Little Book of Big Scams’.
You can download a digital copy of our ‘Little Book of Big Scams’ from: http://socsi.in/4DCdK alternatively you can get one free from your local Police Station.

New ‘Phone Scam

Someone is targeting our area with a new ‘phone scam!
The caller says his name is Jack and is ‘phoning from a company called JPG (or similar) regarding insurance cover on a washing machine that has expired,   If the call is allowed to continue you will be asked for payment to renew insurancw cover by giving bank or credit card details.
The non-reply number from which the call is made is 02838190145.

Chainsaw Thefts

More chainsaws have been stolen from outhouses in Hadlow Down!
This time from a building in School Lane just north of the school.   And another further down the hill.
If you saw anything suspicious while the firework celebrations were taking place on Saturday please advise police on 101 or Hadlow Down Neighbourhood watch nhw@hadlowdown.com for onward report to police.

Remembering Our Heroes – Lottery Grant

National Lottery support for the PCC of Buxted and Hadlow Down to mark First World War Centenary.

This month the Parish of Buxted and Hadlow Down has received a National Lottery grant of £10,000 for a project ‘Remembering our Heroes’ within the parish but mainly in the Hadlow Down area. Awarded through the Heritage Lottery Fund’s First World War then and now programme, the project will focus on paying tribute to the men and women from our community who bravely served their country during WW1, and also to the many millions of others who were killed or dreadfully wounded. On the 100th anniversary of this great and terrible struggle, we reflect upon the sacrifice of 1 million Commonwealth service men and women who were killed during the First World War. The project will also commemorate the huge army of men and women on the home front who, often in dangerous and exhausting conditions, underpinned the war effort – keeping the wheels of industry turning and bringing home the harvests from rural areas like Hadlow Down. “Thank You” to the First World War generation.
Continue reading “Remembering Our Heroes – Lottery Grant”

Village Film Night – Good Bye Lenin

Hadlow Down Village Hall in association with the ENGAGE charity present.
In October 1989, right before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Alex Kerner (Daniel Brühl) is living with his mom, Christiane (Kathrin Sass), and sister, Ariane (Maria Simon). But when the mother, a loyal party member, sees Alex participating in an anti-communist rally, she falls into a coma and misses the revolution. After she wakes, doctors say any jarring event could make her have a heart attack, meaning the family must go to great lengths to pretend communism still reigns in Berlin.

LanguagesEnglish, German, Russian

Saturday, 20th  October
Doors open 7.00 pm for 7.30pm
Refreshments available throughout – ice cream at the interval! Bring your own bottle of wine. A donation of £6 per ticket please. Book ahead or come on the door
Contact Janet 01825 830478 or Rachel 01825 830494

The BIG Macmillan Coffee Morning

Once again the small village with a big heart that recognises the wonderful work the Macmillan Trust Charity does has turned out for coffee and cake and helped raise a magnificent £414.44
The Charity boxes are still open for those who couldn’t be there on the morning.  Just ring 01825 830661 to find out where you can leave a contribution.
Many, many thanks to the cake makers, the helpers on the morning and to all the coffee and cake loving donors.