Suspicious Van Activity in the Village

Neighbourhood Watch Alert!
A resident has reported a series of suspicious looking vehicles entering and leaving his drive in the Wilderness Lane / Riverside area of the village recently.
The most recent being yesterday, Wednesday 6th. June at 2.10 pm a white Vauxhall larger type van Reg. No. KT17LXC driver wearing a Hi-Vis orange jacket. Could possibly be a courier/delivery person who had lost his way but was considered suspicious?
And today the 7th. June a smaller white Vauxhall Combi van Reg. No. DV53HKC. The driver had a beard and was in mid 30s, the passenger estimated at mid 20s both acting extremely suspiciously and described as ‘scruffy’.
Please be especially alert over the coming days and weeks as these people may be reconnoitring houses and outbuildings prior to break-ins.

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Fly Tipping in Tinkers Lane!!

During the early hours of this morning (1/6/18 c. 1 am) someone dumped a large amount of rubbish in the lane. Such a large amount in fact that the lane was completely blocked and police were called. A private CCTV about 300 metre north of the site could only catch the image of a large white van and unable to capture the number plate. It is thought that the culprits were taking advantage of the general ambient noise coming from preparations for the weekend in Tinkers Park to cover their activities. Any information please direct to police on 101 and/or let the village Neighbourhood Watch know on 01825 830661

A Friend Against Scams

The Hadlow Down Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator has now become ‘A Friend Against Scams’  the project is a National Trading Standards  initiative.
Consumers lose £5 to 10 billion every year to internet, ‘phone & door-to-door scams.  Hadlow Down Online aims to create as much awareness as possible via the Village Web Site, Bulk emailed Newsletters, Email Alerts, the Village Facebook Group and Parish Magazine.  ‘Friend Against Scams’ news and alerts will be included in the Neighbourhood Watch pages of the Village Web Site listing all current and recent scams as well as offering advice on what action should be taken when you think you may be a victim of a scam or have been targeted by scammers.
We welcome all input from villagers regarding scams they receive or know of in order that we can make more people aware of those currently ‘doing the rounds’.  Please email details to headed ‘Scam Alert’.