Bonfire Celebrations 2023

The Timetable Of Events for the Bonfire Celebrations on 4th. November are as follows:

Time Details
18:00 Gates open to the public for Bar and BBQ
19:15 Procession starts to form up outside the New Inn
19:30 Torchlit procession departs the New Inn
and proceeds down Hut Lane and then right
along the footpath to Waghorns Lane.
Turning left into Waghorns Lane, the procession
will turn right into School Lane and proceed
to the entrance of the Playing Field.
19:45 The Traditional Cry will be recited and
torches cast into the bonfire
20:45 Firework finale commences
(duration not exceeding 10 min)
23:00 Bar closes and the site is secured for the night

All times are approximate and subject to change.Very Important Safety Information:
No children under the age of 16 are permitted to carry torches.
Do not carry small children on your shoulders if you are a torch bearer.
Wear appropriate flame retardant clothing.
Sturdy waterproof footwear is advisable.
No animals are permitted at the Playing Field or as part of the procession.
Observe the Marshal’s instructions at all times.
Bring a torch (one of those modern battery-powered things – not fire!) for your journey home.
There is NO PARKING at the Playing Field, Where possible leave your car at home. Do not park on the pavement in School Lane, This restricts pedestrian access.

Race Night Postponed

“Race Night” in aid of Engage TN22 Clubs has been postponed.

The new date for your diaries is Saturday 27th January 2024.

Thank you so much to everyone that has supported the event to date.

If you would like to book tickets and or get involved by sponsoring a race or by buying some horses, please contact
Peter on 01825 830009


Community Tea at St.Mark’s School

Please join us at St. Mark’s School, for a community tea, on Tuesday October 17th, from 2.00 until 3.00

We are looking forward  to ‘showcasing the school’, and the children will be working and talking about their learning.

It’s an opportunity for all villagers – young and elderly,  past parents, anyone that is interested in St. Marks School to join us.
It remains the hub of our community and we want everybody to celebrate that.

And the icing on the cake is that everyone gets tea and CAKE!


The lovely painting of the school, used on our publicity flyer, is reproduced by kind permission of  local resident and artist, John Eliot.

Hadlow Down Drama & Variety Club Meeting

From the chair of HDD&VC:
I am delighted to be able to give you more exciting information about our next HDD&VC meeting on the 15th. May, which is at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
We will be showing the wonderful film ‘The History Boys’ (rated 18). The History Boys is a 2006 British comedy-drama film adapted by Alan Bennet from his play of the same name  which won the 2005 Olivier Award for Best New Play and the 2006 Tony Award for Best Play.
A select number of boys, who managed to achieve grades which merit an application to Oxford or Cambridge in their A-Levels, experience a term of revelation at their grammar school as they are tutored for the “most important exam of their lives” in history.
On the evening we will be serving Wine and Cheese for you to enjoy whilst watching the film. There will be one glass of wine for everyone to enjoy, free of charge, and a selection of cheeses to go with it.
We want to make sure we cater for everyone so please let us know if you intend to come by emailing or ringing 07506889724. Do feel free to bring friends and family.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in May.
All the best,

Christmas Rubbish Collections

Wealden D. C.  are not sending out Waste and Recycling Collection Calendars to residents this year and we will not be producing bin hangers with the Christmas Collection Dates on.