An Evening With Owls

‘An Evening with Owls’ is coming to Hadlow Down Village Hall, presented by the UK Owl and Raptor Centre.
This evening talk will provide a unique insight into the world of Owls and will give you the opportunity to see some of the largest and smallest species from around the world…
Date: 13th November ’22
Time: 19:00
Tickets cost £5.50 per child, £7.50 per adult and £28 for 4 adults. Visit for more information and to book your tickets!

‘An Evening With Pete the Pond – The importance of Wildlife Ponds in our Environment’

A ‘Supper Talk’ not to be missed!!!!
‘An Evening With Pete the Pond – The importance of Wildlife Ponds in our Environment’
Presented By the Hadlow Down Horticultural Society.
October 12th. in the Village Hall
‘Pete the Pond is a local legend who has worked tirelessly for many years to help sustain and restore many of our local aquatic ecosystems, especially ponds, which are critical to the health of local nature and wildlife. In the process he has built up a reference collection of aquatic plants in his back garden which is unique in its range and diversity and is now an immensely valuable asset in maintaining local biodiversity.’
With his wooden leg and often seen with a parrot on his shoulder Pete has also understandably been called ‘Pete the Pirate’
Pete will possibly be bringing some of his pondy friends with him.
There are still some tickets left for what will be a memorable evening with the usually excellent meal and an amazing speaker.
If you would like to attend the supper please contact Kathy by phone 01825 830616 or by email ( to order your tickets. They are £8.00 per person and £12.00 for a non member.
Wine will be available and of course our lovely raffle, plus we might also have a small plant stall, so please bring cash with you.

Table Top Sale Cancelled

The Table Top Sale, part of the ongoing fundraising efforts for the New Village Hall and scheduled to be held in the Village Hall tomorrow Sunday July 3rd. has been cancelled.

Pilates Classes

Pilates Classes for posture core strength and flexibility
Thursdays 11am – 12pm
Hadlow Down Village Hall

Contact Sioux
‘Phone:   07887682433

Hort. Soc. Visit to King John’s Lodge

Hadlow Down Horticultural Society members are planning a car visit to King John’s Lodge in Etchingham  on Thursday June 24th..
This trip to the extensive and impressive gardens is the first opportunity for members to meet up since lockdown and we’re sure there will be a lot of conversational catching up to do which will be enjoyed in the excellent cafe in the grounds.  There is also an “Aladdin’s Cave” of a shop and a very good nursery to browse round after visiting the gardens.
All garden loving villagers are invited to join members and talk about other gardens and other Hort. Soc. activities.
Anyone who wants to join us we will meet at the cafe at 10.30 am.  Please just let Heather know you’re coming at and  turn up on the day.  The cost is £6.50 per person