Wilderness Lane – Road Closure

A temporary road closure will take place between the junction of Chapel Lane and junction of Main Road in Wilderness Lane on the 25th. & 26th. June.
This is to allow BT to undertake apparatus repair work.

Local PCSO to attend Parish Council meeting

From Councillor Michael Lunn
The Parish Council is looking forward to hear from our local PCSO Sue Choppin from Sussex Police regarding local crime issues. Meeting starts at 7pm tomorrow  (6th. December) in the Committee Room of the Village Hall.
All parishioners welcome

Local Theft Alert!

I need to make everyone aware that I have been informed there has been a spate of high value thefts in our area this includes high value vehicles, quad bikes, utility vehicles and high value tools (chainsaws, strimmer’s). Last night in the early hours 5 properties in the Blackboys area had items stolen including a range rover. Two men in balaclavas were caught on CCTV. They also appear to be targeting large rural properties. Other thefts have also happened within the Parish in the last two weeks.
This appears to be co-ordinated and organised crime, please be aware and ensure high value items are not on show, and locked away, and please be vigilant in any suspicious behaviour especially around the rural lanes (as this is how they are moving around) and please report to Sussex Police. Make sure CCTV is working and cameras are clear. Do not approach. Try to capture any vehicle details although I am told the gang are using false plates.
Residents may also be interested that our local PCSO Sue Choppin is attending our next Parish Council meeting on 5th December.
If and when I get more updates from Sussex Police I will update the post.
May be an image of 2 people and text that says "POLICE POLICE"
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Bonfire Celebrations 2023

The Timetable Of Events for the Bonfire Celebrations on 4th. November are as follows:

Time Details
18:00 Gates open to the public for Bar and BBQ
19:15 Procession starts to form up outside the New Inn
19:30 Torchlit procession departs the New Inn
and proceeds down Hut Lane and then right
along the footpath to Waghorns Lane.
Turning left into Waghorns Lane, the procession
will turn right into School Lane and proceed
to the entrance of the Playing Field.
19:45 The Traditional Cry will be recited and
torches cast into the bonfire
20:45 Firework finale commences
(duration not exceeding 10 min)
23:00 Bar closes and the site is secured for the night

All times are approximate and subject to change.Very Important Safety Information:
No children under the age of 16 are permitted to carry torches.
Do not carry small children on your shoulders if you are a torch bearer.
Wear appropriate flame retardant clothing.
Sturdy waterproof footwear is advisable.
No animals are permitted at the Playing Field or as part of the procession.
Observe the Marshal’s instructions at all times.
Bring a torch (one of those modern battery-powered things – not fire!) for your journey home.
There is NO PARKING at the Playing Field, Where possible leave your car at home. Do not park on the pavement in School Lane, This restricts pedestrian access.

Remembrance Day 2023


The Remembrance Day service in St Mark’s is at 3.00 pm. Sunday 12th.  November.
Armistice Observance is the day before on the 11th. in the churchyard. Meet at 10.55 am for 11.00 am Silence.