Move Some Chairs and Make Someone’s Day!

The Hadlow Down community has a long established reputation for friendliness and geniality.  Although there are always opportunities to  be involved in different ways with various village projects and activities a current opportunity is available to join the group of great people who believe that being a real ‘villager’ is more than just having an address in the area and want to be a part of the village proper by just giving a small amount of time each week to be involved in the reputation.
The TN22 Club is a charitable organisation providing meals and entertainment for older members of the community on Wednesdays in the Village Hall.  An able-bodied person (or persons) is needed to help set out the chairs and tables which usually takes less than one hour in the mornings at 8.30 am. and to put them away again at 2pm or 4pm (alternating weeks) that takes about 30 minutes.
It’s a great way of meeting others who give something to the village of which they are part.   Just turn up at 8.30 am on a Wednesday to get involved

Dog Faeces in the Playing Field

If you are a dog owner are you worthy to be called a member of the Hadlow Down community!
Parents are advised to be vigilant when supervising their children in the play area of the Village Playing Field.  There have recently been a number of reports of dog fouling in the village amenity where a dog owner/s is committing an offence by not immediately picking up and taking away their dog’s faeces .
On Sunday the 17th. April a 4  year old child came into contact with a considerable amount of mess left in the play area.  The parents say that they would like to thank the people in the New Inn for helping to clean the child up and console him.
It is an offence under the the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 not to pick up dog faeces. and anyone witnessing the offence can report it to Wealden District Council.
If you see a dog owner allowing their dog to foul and not picking it up please note down as many details as you can that might help us to identify them.  The following information is needed to commence an investigation:

  • date and time of incident
  • location of incident
  • description of person in charge of the dog
  • description of the dog
  • name and/or address of person in charge of the dog

The current fixed penalty fine is £80. If a person refuses to pay they can be taken to the local Magistrates Court for the dog fouling offence and fined up to £1,000.

A267 & B2102 Safer Junction Petition

Although not actually part of the village many Hadlow Down residents travel through this junction every day and lots more less often.
I’m sure everyone is aware of the high number of accidents that have been reported over the last few years involving traffic entering or exiting the Blackboys Road as well as those involving entering or exiting the petrol station.
Following the death of a pedestrian on Tuesday 22nd March a petition to ESCC via 38 Degrees has been started and you may wish to follow the link and sign if you feel the junction should be made safer.


Fire Services Tackle Hadlow Down Blaze

East Sussex Fire and Rescue Services were called out to a a large garden fire in the centre of Hadlow Down on Wednesday evening.

Outbuildings, gardening machinery, other items and fencing were destroyed in the blaze but we understand no one was injured .
The residents have thanked neighbours and other local people in a post on the Hadlow Down Facebook group page and added a link for any help others can give:

2022-23 Policing Priorities and Funding Survey By The Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner

Sussex PCC Katy Bourne is asking Sussex residents about the crime and community safety issues that matter to them, their experience of contacting police, and about police funding.

She said: “I want to know which issues matter most to people, and ask what can be done to address them by all our local partners working in collaboration with the police. This helps me set the local policing priorities for the Chief Constable to address as set out in my Police and Crime Plan.

“As the elected Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner I am also responsible for securing the annual budget for Sussex Police, which consists of an annual Government Grant and the police precept element of your council tax (which makes up 41% of the total). Continue reading “2022-23 Policing Priorities and Funding Survey By The Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner”

Getting Extra Help With The Priority Services Register

The Priority Services Register is a free support service to help people in vulnerable situations. Energy suppliers and network operators offer it. Each keeps their own register, although some share with each other.

We recommend that people who may be vulnerable or at risk during severe weather should be on a Priority Services Register. Parts of the UK have recently had severe weather – our turn may be coming! Friends and relatives can assist those who may be in need of a bit of help to register, such as the elderly or people with serious medical conditions, or those who may not have Internet access and therefore may not have received this message. Each operator can be contacted online or by phone. Please act now, don’t wait!

Continue reading “Getting Extra Help With The Priority Services Register”