Allotments Available to Hadlow Down Residents
Ever thought about renting an allotment? In these days of rising food prices and the focus on physical and mental health, growing your own fruit and vegetables has never seemed more important. Buxted Parish Council have some plots available which they are happy to rent to residents of Hadlow Down. The plots vary in size and can, in some circumstances, be tailored to satisfy the ambitions or limitations of the individual.
If you are interested, please contact Rosemary at You can find out more by visiting the Buxted Parish Council website Information about the allotments can be found under the Amenities drop down menu.
Parish Council Clerk Vacancy
A New Start For The Hadlow Down Drama & Variety Club
April News from St Mark’s Church.
As I write this it’s March already, and we’re looking forward to the Spring, wondering how we missed seeing January and February pass us by!
There are plenty of signs of spring in our Churchyard. The primroses are in bloom on the north side of the church, smiling at us as we walk down the path. The daffodils are just waiting for this cold spell to pass over, and then they will be adorning the Churchyard in yellow. Continue reading “April News from St Mark’s Church.”