The Future of Uckfield Leisure Centre

The future of many of the facilities available at Uckfield Leisure Centre is in doubt and and facilities are liable to be lost.
East Sussex C C is conducting a Consultation on Future Options for Uckfield Leisure Centre.
Many residents of Hadlow Down use the Centre and will obviously be concerned about its future. Please follow the link to read the ESCC Overview and access the online survey.…/consultation…/… 

See more
Consultation on Future Options for Uckfield Leisure Centre - East Sussex - Citizen Space
Consultation on Future Options for Uckfield Leisure Centre – East Sussex – Citizen Space
This site contains consultations that are run by East Sussex.

Can You Help?

A number of people using Tinkers Lane, Riverside, Wilderness Lane & Main Road have recently come across a lady exercise jogging but occasionally stopping wherever she noticed litter to pick it up and put it in a black plastic bag. One or two have opened conversations with her and she has said she has come down from near Dundee in Scotland, is spending a few weeks holiday with relatives and felt her exercise time may as well help tidy Hadlow Down’s beautiful hedgerows!
The timing of this wonderful story coincides with the annual ‘Litter Pick’ undertaken by many village residents. If you would like to join the ‘Litter Pick’ team tidying up your own village please contact Sandra Richards at HiViz tabards, litter picking sticks and bags can be supplied ready to be collected by Wealden District Council.


If you have a business, large or small, that is based in Hadlow Down you can list your business for FREE in the Hadlow Down Business Directory which is located on the Village Web Site:
The web site will also occasionally feature articles on village businesses.
To qualify for inclusion you need to include a telephone landline number that has a Hadlow Down code or a Hadlow Down postcode in business address details for inclusion that you send to:
If you think your business is already listed please check the directory and advise if alterations are necessary.

Main Road Closure

Posted on the village Facebook Group pages by Michael Lunn – Parich Council Chair:
I have been notified that East Sussex Highways will closing the main A272 through #HadlowDown on the evening of 27th Febuary from 8pm to 6am (weather permitting). This will be doing more extensive repairs. Little England Farm area is yet to be confirmed but the Parish Council have raised that this should be done at the same time. Further details as and when we get them. Advisory Signs have been erected.

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