Hadlow Down Book Club Review for March

Words define us, they explain us, and on occasion, they serve to control or isolate us.’

We think of a dictionary as giving objective, authoritative definitions of words, based on their usage and written sources. This is not entirely the truth, however – they also reflect the dominant culture. In this month’s book The Dictionary of Lost Words (2022) Pip Williams gives an account of the making of the Oxford English Dictionary – the first dictionary since Samuel Johnson’s (1755). Work began in 1857 and it was published in full in 1928. Her novel explores those words that are omitted or inadequately defined. Continue reading “Hadlow Down Book Club Review for March”

St Mark’s News for March 2023

March is here, and we look forward to all the wonderful things that Spring brings us. Spring flowers are beginning to peep through the grass in the Churchyard; lovely to see, that despite the drought of last year and the heavy rain, plants are still there, ready to greet us again. My turn-over calendar has some lovely thoughts on it, one of them says ‘God sends us presents every day. Dawn and sunset, lets face it folks, He’s crazy about us’. Continue reading “St Mark’s News for March 2023”

Answers to the Hadlow Down Christmas ABC Quiz

Answers to the Hadlow Down Christmas ABC Quiz

1. A272
2. Butchers
3. Costello
4. Day
5. Eridge
6. Fellowes Prynne, George
7. Great Bush
8. Hendry, Charles
9. Ironstone
10. Joyce
11. Kit Wilson Trust
12. Loudwell Farmhouse
13. Miller & Selmes
14. Nurney Cottage
15. Ostrich
16. Princess Marie Louise
17. Quiz Night
18. Richards
19. Spiked Rampion
20. Tin Heaven
21. Uck
22. Viscount Hood
23. Wren’s Nest
24. Xmas Tree
25. YMCA
26. Zumba

Keep watching for the Hadlow Down Trust ABC Reference Lists that will soon start to be posted here on the Hadlow Down Village Web Site  as well as on the  Village Facebook page starting with the letter A. https://www.facebook.com/groups/HadlowDownVillage/
The Trust welcomes any additional subjects, information or corrections to the letter categories, just email hadlowdowntrust@gmail.com

Hadlow Down Book Club Review for February

An act of free and general pardon, indemnity, and pardon.”
Last month we read The Act of Oblivion by Robert Harris (2022), a historical thriller set in the 17th century in the aftermath of the Restoration. The Act of Oblivion (1652) was the edict that pardoned those who had fought against the king except for those directly responsible for his execution. One of the most prominent of these was Colonel Edward Whalley, a cousin and friend of Oliver Cromwell, who fled to America with his son-in-law Colonel Will Goffe. The novel follows their pursuit through the wilds of pre-revolutionary New England. Continue reading “Hadlow Down Book Club Review for February”

The Hadlow Down ABC Quiz

How much do you know about your village?
Over the coming months in 2023 The Hadlow Down Village Trust will be posting on the Village Web Site and The Village Facebook Pages alphabetical lists of people, places, events and anything else we can find in the archives concerning facts, social history, pictorial history and anything else that may be of interest to our community.
As we go through the alphabet we would like to invite and encourage any contributions for inclusion.  Even if the item misses the alphabetical header issue please send it anyway as we will always have an addition and amendment list included.
Do you remember anything, have cuttings, references, pictures etc. about people, places, events that are relevant to Hadlow Down?
Just send anything via email to:
Please tell us if you would like to have any contribution acknowledged.

So, how much do you already know about Hadlow Down? The Village Trust thought it would be fun to start off with a quiz for the whole family to try and complete over the Christmas period.  The answers will be published in January.  A Quiz Form can be downloaded and printed off by clicking here:
Final ABC Quiz for web site

All the answer begin with successive letters of the alphabet starting with A – so that should make it easier!

Message Re. Water Outages from Michael Lunn

Dear fellow residents,
Yet again we are all facing water shortages. I have this afternoon been in touch with South-East water, and the Leader of Wealden District Council to highlight that Hadlow Down is also off despite South East water saying we weren’t, yet on their map it said we were.
The latest I have is water ‘might’ be possibly be restored at 9am tomorrow. The Parish Council have requested water station at the Village Hall but at the moment Crowborough is the only place offering it and a delivery at Crowborough is unlikely be until late tonight or early tomorrow morning. If anyone has further updates on deliveries please do post here.
For updates follow this link:


Village Speeding – Your chance to help
As vehicles enter the village on the A272 from the Buxted direction, the speed limit changes straight from 60mph to 30mph, and this results in a very high proportion of these vehicles passing the four public crossing points between the 30mph sign, at the entrance to Waste Wood, and the School Lane/Wilderness Lane crossroads often at speeds exceeding 50mph.
These four pedestrian crossing points are used by the pupils of St Mark’s School to access the designated learning play area “Smile Meadow”; by our senior school children crossing to use their school buses morning and afternoon, and by the many residents that use Waste Wood for general recreation.
It has been noted that the existing speed detection device does encourage vehicles to slow down but to have a similar impact in the vicinity of where these four crossings are then the village needs another speed detector mounting post in the vicinity of the Church.
The Parish Council has obtained ESCC Highways permission for an additional post to be installed but the Parish Council only has sufficient funding to cover 50% of the £2,000 cost.
This is your chance to help reduce speeding throughout the village. This appeal is asking both parents and residents to support this project by helping to fund the additional £1,000 required to have this speed detector pole installed. Should we be successful in raising sufficient extra funds then the village could even purchase an additional speed detector device!
Such “Crowd Funding” cannot be administered by the Parish Council, so I have agreed to manage this appeal as a long-time resident of the village. St Mark’s School parents may wish to act together, through the School Office, to provide a donation.
To ensure accurate auditable payment records to be kept, it is only possible to accept cheques made out to Mr S L W Godfrey and posted through the letter box of Fir Tree Cottage (top of School Lane) or Bank Transfers to Sort Code 40-47-86, Account No. 80791415. Please use your “Surname – Speed”as your Reference. Full records of payments will be kept and be available on request from myself.
Thank you for taking the time to read this appeal and thank you in advance for any payments that you generously offer.
27 years a resident in Hadlow Down

Hadlow Down Book Club Review – December

 Grief “like sliding down the outside of a really long glass building while nobody can see you”.

The book group has followed the Lucy Barton novels by Elizabeth Strout so we were interested to read the third in the Amgash series Oh William! (2022) which was shortlisted for the Booker Prize this year. Amgash was of course the remote settlement where Lucy grew up in abject poverty and in an abusive home before marrying William, moving to New York and becoming a successful novelist. Continue reading “Hadlow Down Book Club Review – December”

LIVE Music at the New Inn 3rd December


A date for your diaries, live at The New Inn MIDNIGHT CANONBALL
come and have a listen, have an excellent beer and maybe a jig around to set you up for the festive season, come and let your hair down and forget all the doom and gloom……hope to see you all there……

ST MARK’S CHURCH NEWS – December 2022

I’m writing this in early November, and I feel that Christmas is almost upon us. That time of fun, families, and conspicuous consumption, although the latter might be a little more restrained this year!

A good number of shops and garden centres started decorating in September, which I think is a bit premature; tv channels are already wallowing in Christmas-themed films about good-will to all men; always with a happy ending, and hey, Strictly Come Dancing is on again – a sure sign that Christmas is around the corner. Continue reading “ST MARK’S CHURCH NEWS – December 2022”