A date for your diary !

The Village Fayre Committee are pleased to be hosting

The Together We Can
Big Village Picnic
Sunday 11th September, 12-6 at Hadlow Down Playing Field

A free community event for Hadlow Down Residents. Bring your own picnic and seating or book a fancy picnic table, in the comfort of our beautifully decorated canvas marquee. Gates will open at 12pm.

Many of our Village Associations will be there offering refreshments and entertainment. We hope you will join us and meet with neighbours old and new for an afternoon of fun. Karaoke and open mic spots will run from the Pavilion stage later in the afternoon. Families can either bring their own picnics and enjoy the event and music or alternatively, simply turn up as food and drink will be available to purchase at the event.

For all the details please head over to the Village Fayre pages here

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

The Til Tomorrow Theatre Company Is presenting a double performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Wilderness Wood on Monday 29th. August at 3.00 pm  &  6.00 pm

Set amongst the colliding worlds of the 1980’s, the City and the Fairy Kingdom find a way to co-exist in the eclectic jungle of Theseus’ nightclub. Go on a journey of self discovery, mayhem and deception!

Til Tomorrow Theatre Company is an international collective of fourteen players coming from nine different countries. Using our native accents, our vibrant ensemble brings a diverse multilingual perspective to Shakespeare’s classic. With our wealth of creativity, we have double cast our production: in one day, you can experience two shows that will be completely different and unique over and over again.

Tickets available at the door or book online here.
£10 / £8 concession (including members of Wilderness Wood)
£35 family ticket / £30 members family ticket
Pizza from Cashew Catering and refreshments will be available from 10am to 6pm.
Instagram: @tiltomorrowtheatre

Hadlow Down Book Club’s August Reviews

Rebecca Stott’s “In the Days of Rain: a Daughter, a Father, a Cult”
Tara Westover’s ‘Educated’
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate said the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you: 2 Corinthians 6.17.

It seems that Jackie Kaye’s book gave us a taste for literary memoir so this month we chose Rebecca Stott’s “In the Days of Rain: a Daughter, a Father, a Cult” (2017) winner of the Costa Biography Award 2017, and also, as a comparison, Tara Westover’s “Educated”. It proved to be an interesting comparison, Stott’s book is an account of growing up in and breaking away from the Exclusive Plymouth Brethren, a deeply repressive fundamentalist Sect/ Cult , and Westover’s is also about growing up and breaking away but from an abusive survivalist Mormon family.
Continue reading “Hadlow Down Book Club’s August Reviews”

St. Mark’s Church News for August

Well, by the time you all read this, July will have gone, and Christmas cards will soon be on sale!
We’re just pottering along St Marks. We have a few faithful worshippers, every Sunday, which is great, but no new faces yet. We used to have some families twice a month, but now that our Jubilate service that used to engage the children has been stopped, we just get a few families at the All-Age Worship service on the first Sunday in the month, but they are absent for the following 3 Sundays. We are fortunate to have Duncan Irvine to take those, so that relieves the Rector from having to do so many services every week.
So, all we can really report on is to tell you about our wonderful Churchyard. It started blossoming with the primroses in February and March, making a lovely splash of yellow. Continue reading “St. Mark’s Church News for August”

Table Top Sale Cancelled

The Table Top Sale, part of the ongoing fundraising efforts for the New Village Hall and scheduled to be held in the Village Hall tomorrow Sunday July 3rd. has been cancelled.