Christmas Recycling & Rubbish Collections
Hadlow Down Book Club Review – December 2021
It was never supposed to be murder but pensioner Felix Pink was about to find out that it’s never too late … for life to go horribly wrong.
Having read a number of quite challenging novels recently, this month we decided to try something lighter and chose Exit (2021) by Belinda Bauer, recently recommended on Radio 4’s ‘A Good Read’. Continue reading “Hadlow Down Book Club Review – December 2021”
Hadlow Down Poppy Appeal 2021
A huge “thank you” to all those in the Village who felt able to support so generously the vital work of the Royal British Legion this year. The Village raised £1,383.73, which was an excellent result.
Our gratitude must also go to those who volunteer so selflessly to help in collecting donations every year. If anyone would be interested in joining the band of collectors, please do let me know.
Nigel Russell
Poppy Appeal Organiser Hadlow Down01825-830891 or
The Garden – December by Ken Mines
2021 has been a challenging year for gardeners. (Predictive text offered “rotten year – even better! ). The cold spring followed by spells of heat, drought, night-time frosts and torrential rain left us and our plants puzzled as to what on earth to do for the best. Many seeds sown in the garden failed to germinate. Sowing in modules in the greenhouse is more reliable but we still had failures during the heatwave when the compost dried out quicker than we could rewet it. The difficulties were shared by many of you as illustrated by the greatly reduced number of entries to our August Annual Horticultural Show. Continue reading “The Garden – December by Ken Mines”
Mavis Farrer
It is with sadness that we learn of the peaceful passing of Mavis Farrer, on November 2nd. at the age of 98 .
For many years Mavis, past resident of Hadlow Down and wife of the late John, mother of Alison and Simon, grandmother and great grandmother. was a key member of the Variety Club and the Horticultural Society as well as being a co-editor of the Parish Magazine.
The funeral is to be held at St. Phillip’s Church, Ticehurst Road, Burwash, Burwash Weald, UK, TN19 7NA at 11 am on Friday November 26th..
Hadlow Down Gardening Club Facebook Group

It is also hoped that enough people are interested we may be able to negotiate exclusive discounts and benefits from plant, seed & accessory providers for group members
Click on this link to go to the group’s page:
Dog Kennel Lane Closure
Road closure notification! Dog Kennel Lane will be closed to through traffic 24 hours a day for 4 days starting 8th Nov while ESCC Highways carry out parapet repairs. If vehicle access is required please discuss with the team on site. Traffic will be diverted via Brick Kiln Lane, Wheelers Lane, A272, Spring Lane & visa versa. More info here:
Annual Poppy Appeal
After a year where door to door collections were impossible, the annual poppy appeal will kick off on Friday 29th October in Hadlow Down.
Door to door collections in support of Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal will recommence this year on 29th October and we very much hope the village will continue to give generously as has been the case in the past. Covid has taught us all that we can, by and large, live without cash, however we are not yet geared up to accept donations through card readers. We would be hugely grateful if you could remember to put aside a little cash when our collectors come visiting to support this worthy appeal.
Thank you!
St. Mark’s School Newspaper
The pupils of St Mark’s School have produced their very own Newspaper.
St. Mark’s News
The first Issue can be read or downloaded here.