Race Night Postponement

We are disappointed to announce the cancellation of our Race Night scheduled for Saturday 23rd Oct at the Village Hall.  We were taken aback with the generous support of so many – all the races and horses were sold and Julian Michaelson-Yeates was busily preparing a delicious curry for an expected eighty people.  Unfortunately, the take-up of bookings did not match our optimism and with such a low number, we decided to cancel.  There may be several reasons to explain this but we suspect that continued anxiety about gathering in a confined indoor space with others was a real issue.

 We have re-scheduled the Race Night for Saturday 26th March 2022.  Thanks for your continued support for our new hall and please continue to visit our website and Facebook pages to keep in touch with our progress.

 Best wishes,
Bob Lake on behalf of HDCC


Pilates Classes

Pilates Classes for posture core strength and flexibility
Thursdays 11am – 12pm
Hadlow Down Village Hall

Contact Sioux
‘Phone:   07887682433
Email:    siouxsee@btinternet.com

Parish Council Vacancy


Are you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor and volunteering your time for the good of Hadlow Down? If so and you would like to find out more about the role, the criteria required and how to get in touch, click this link:
Vacancy Sept 2021

Water Supply Alert


For those who haven’t received notification South East Water have issued the following notice:
Planned maintenance will take place between 11 pm this evening (4/10/21) and 2 am tomorrow (5/10/21) causing loss of water supply or very low pressure.

Race Night in the Village Hall

The New Village Hall Committee are pleased to announce we will be holding a “Race Night”
On Saturday 23rd October in the Village Hall.
Do come along and enjoy a curry and a flutter on the horses.
This event will be to raise funds towards our New Village Hall.
There are lots of ways you can join in and support us.

Sponsor a race for £50 and name the race!
Become a race horse owner, only £5 per horse. There will be prizes on the night for the winning owners.
Bets will cost £1 per horse, prize money will be shared equally between winners and HDCC
Tables of eight will be available.
Tickets are £15 per head and include curry*, rice and a popadom!
There will be a licensed bar…


*Vegetarian curry available, please pre-order with your ticket