WDC Rubbish Collection Dates for Christmas Period

All collection dates will be on our website and we will be sending out calendars to anybody who requests a hard copy
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
We would appreciate any assistance you are able to give to help spread the word and keep residents informed.
Many thanks
Yours sincerely
Julie Goodwin | Waste Management Officer
Waste Management, Wealden District Council
01323 443322 |

Council Offices | Vicarage Lane | Hailsham | East Sussex | BN27 2AX

Man Arrested Following Police Pursuit

A man has been arrested following a police pursuit near Uckfield.

Officers on patrol became aware of a van travelling at excess speed on the A272 at Hadlow Down around 1.49am on Friday (20 November).
A pursuit ensued, before the suspect decamped in Uckfield. Police carried out a search of the area, assisted by the National Police Air Service helicopter, but there was no trace.
However, enquiries led to the arrest of a 34-year-old local man at an address in the town shortly afterwards.
He has been arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving and remains in police custody at this time.
During the pursuit, damage was sustained to the subject vehicle and two police vehicles. Two police officers suffered injuries – both remain in hospital at this time and are likely to be released later today.
No other vehicles or people were involved.

Important Changes in Planning Application Notification

From Wealden District Council:
Update on how we notify on Planning Applications
Following a six week public Consultation, the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) was adopted on 22nd July 2020.
The SCI sets out what consultation will take place when we are developing and reviewing our planning documents and determining planning applications. It also provides information as to how the Council will work with our partners and communities to facilitate proposals for neighbourhood plans or orders.
Continue reading “Important Changes in Planning Application Notification”

Fireworks Postponed

Sadly we have decided that we can no longer go ahead with the planned fireworks display on Saturday due to the new national lockdown. Our hearty thanks to all those who have so generously donated to our Village organisations, all is not lost! We hope to reschedule the display for New Years Eve. We will keep you informed. In the meantime you can still donate, every penny raised will be shared amongst our Village organisations – The Village Hall, The Playing Field, The Horticultural Society, The Variety Club, The New Village Hall and The Church.


Maroon Alert

Maroons will be fired from St. Mark’s church at 11am on Wednesday 11th November to mark Remembrance Day.   Please make sure all pets in the vicinity are kept calm.

News from St. Mark’s.


Well, the long awaited day arrived on Friday 25th September, when our new Rector, the Rev. Pete Molloy, and his family arrived in Buxted.  They were so pleased with all the preparations that had been done for them in the Rectory, making it as comfortable as possible until their own furniture and possessions arrive from Canada.  They then had to quarantine for 2 weeks, because of the pandemic, but were finally free to explore their new surroundings on Friday 9th October.  We hope that their ministry with us will be happy and fruitful. Continue reading “News from St. Mark’s.”

Remembrance Services

Remembrance Sunday 8th November: there will be a service in St. Marks Church at 3.00 pm. It current with Covid-19 guidelines we are asking people to wear masks, sanitise their hands upon arrival at the church and check in with track & trace details. They will be asked to socially distance within the church. During the service music will be played but as is becoming common during weekly services we will hum into our masks!!!!

Wednesday, 11th November in St Marks Churchyard – There will be an Act of Remembrance at 11.00 am and all will be welcome, however masks should be worn and we ask you to observe social distancing.

Fireworks and Fundraising!

We are delighted to announce that the Village Firework Display will go ahead on Saturday 7th November at 8.30 pm, weather permitting. Whilst we can’t hold a public event, as we simply wouldn’t be able to apply workable social distancing measures, there will be a firework display for us all to enjoy from the comfort of our own homes and gardens.

The fireworks have been bought and paid for by two major donors and other local individuals. As in previous years, this will be a fundraising event. Our aim is to use this opportunity to raise money for some of our local voluntary organisations whose events and income streams have been adversely affected by the pandemic. Continue reading “Fireworks and Fundraising!”