The Village Magazine is asking for volunteers who would be prepared to write and submit articles on a regular basis on any subject that could be of interest to parishioners.
Village Events in April
Spring Market
Village Magazine
You can now Read, Download and Send to Relatives and Friends who reside outside of the village the latest copy of the Hadlow Down Village Magazine in Full Colour.
Click here to read or download.
Village Mag fEBRUARY 2024
Monthly Diary at a Glance
The following is an overview of what is happening in Hadlow Down during March.
Full details of times etc. can be found on: here:
Sunday Communion Services
Bric-a-Brac and Brunch Event
HDCC are holding a Bric-a-Brac and Brunch fundraising event on Saturday 24th February, 11am-3pm, in the Village Hall.
All are welcome, entry is free.
We are on the lookout for exquisite bric-a-brac items to feature in our upcoming event. If you have any unwanted gifts, good quality pieces or pre-loved treasures that are in perfect condition, we would love to hear from you.
We are seeking:
China/crockery no chips or cracks please
Costume jewelry, sparkling pieces that deserve a new home
Handbags/scarves/accessories in excellent condition
Toys, unique and well preserved playthings
Collectibles, quirky and interesting things that tell a story
What we don’t need:
Clothing, shoes or electrical items
Your contributions will make our event truly remarkable, and best of all you will be helping us to raise funds towards building our new Village Hall.
Contact Glenys on 830857 to arrange collection of your donations.
For more details please head to our website here
Hadlow Down Dram & Variety Club Auditions
Public Meeting With South East Water
Hadlow Down Book Club Review – December.
We have been reading ‘Small Things Like These’ by Claire Keegan (2021), a novella shortlisted for the 2022 Booker Prize. It is set in a small Irish town in the run-up to Christmas 1985, and is about the moral dilemma of Bill Furlong, a coal merchant. He is married with five daughters who are doing well and give him much joy and pride. He is the illegitimate son of a 16 year- old housemaid who was protected by her well-to-do Protestant employer who also acted as a patron to Bill. He is aware of his good fortune and tries to emulate her kindness to him by acts of kindness to others. Continue reading “Hadlow Down Book Club Review – December.”