A New Start For The Hadlow Down Drama & Variety Club

We are pleased to let you know that at our recent AGM it was decided to continue with our Society and to see if we can attract new members with some different approaches. In a village community, it is so important to keep opportunities open for people to connect, and this is what the committee is keen to do. If you want more information about HDD&VC do ring me on 07506889724 or email claire.rivers61@gmail.com, new members are always welcome.
We have booked the Village Hall for a monthly meeting at which we will have different activities for members to enjoy. The dates are as follows so please put them in your diaries:
17th April, 2023 7.30pm An evening of mime and improvisation- no experience needed, just a good sense of humour!!
15th May, 2023 7.30pm
19th June, 2023 7.30pm
17th July, 2023 7.30pm
We have left the three latter dates open as we would like to run our ideas past members at the first meeting, but the things we have been considering are: the showing of a play; a session with a storyteller looking at storytelling techniques; theatre/cinema visits; and play readings.
We are also exploring the possibility of joining NODA (National Operatic and Dramatic Association), which has a number of benefits, including plays, musicals and pantos that members can use, a regional website to link people to local societies and training opportunities.
Another plan, is to record some bedtime stories for children, some of which may be a video, and others audio. We would place these on a site, such as, Youtube, for parents/carers/children to access. We would also open up the opportunity to record a story to non-members of the Society. We know there are members, and potential members, that have a fear of word learning and it would be a fun, and inclusive activity, to record a series of radio style plays/’book at bedtime’ that the village community, and beyond, could access.
Social media is well-used by so many people that we intend to keep our facebook page up-to-date and to make sure we have a presence on the village website as well.
As always, the views of members are so welcome, our philosophy is ‘the more the merrier’, so do please let us know of any ideas you may have and items to include on the website.
We look forward to seeing you on the 17th April at 7.30pm and hope that, meanwhile, you have a Happy and Peaceful Easter.
Kind regards,


April News from St Mark’s Church.

As I write this it’s March already, and we’re looking forward to the Spring, wondering how we missed seeing January and February pass us by!

There are plenty of signs of spring in our Churchyard.  The primroses are in bloom on the north side of the church, smiling at us as we walk down the path.  The daffodils are just waiting for this cold spell to pass over, and then they will be adorning the Churchyard in yellow. Continue reading “April News from St Mark’s Church.”

The Future of Uckfield Leisure Centre

The future of many of the facilities available at Uckfield Leisure Centre is in doubt and and facilities are liable to be lost.
East Sussex C C is conducting a Consultation on Future Options for Uckfield Leisure Centre.
Many residents of Hadlow Down use the Centre and will obviously be concerned about its future. Please follow the link to read the ESCC Overview and access the online survey.

See more
Consultation on Future Options for Uckfield Leisure Centre - East Sussex - Citizen Space
Consultation on Future Options for Uckfield Leisure Centre – East Sussex – Citizen Space
This site contains consultations that are run by East Sussex.

Can You Help?

A number of people using Tinkers Lane, Riverside, Wilderness Lane & Main Road have recently come across a lady exercise jogging but occasionally stopping wherever she noticed litter to pick it up and put it in a black plastic bag. One or two have opened conversations with her and she has said she has come down from near Dundee in Scotland, is spending a few weeks holiday with relatives and felt her exercise time may as well help tidy Hadlow Down’s beautiful hedgerows!
The timing of this wonderful story coincides with the annual ‘Litter Pick’ undertaken by many village residents. If you would like to join the ‘Litter Pick’ team tidying up your own village please contact Sandra Richards at sandrarichards733@gmail.com. HiViz tabards, litter picking sticks and bags can be supplied ready to be collected by Wealden District Council.