‘An Evening With Pete the Pond – The importance of Wildlife Ponds in our Environment’

A ‘Supper Talk’ not to be missed!!!!
‘An Evening With Pete the Pond – The importance of Wildlife Ponds in our Environment’
Presented By the Hadlow Down Horticultural Society.
October 12th. in the Village Hall
‘Pete the Pond is a local legend who has worked tirelessly for many years to help sustain and restore many of our local aquatic ecosystems, especially ponds, which are critical to the health of local nature and wildlife. In the process he has built up a reference collection of aquatic plants in his back garden which is unique in its range and diversity and is now an immensely valuable asset in maintaining local biodiversity.’
With his wooden leg and often seen with a parrot on his shoulder Pete has also understandably been called ‘Pete the Pirate’
Pete will possibly be bringing some of his pondy friends with him.
There are still some tickets left for what will be a memorable evening with the usually excellent meal and an amazing speaker.
If you would like to attend the supper please contact Kathy by phone 01825 830616 or by email (kathy.cracknell48@gmail.com) to order your tickets. They are £8.00 per person and £12.00 for a non member.
Wine will be available and of course our lovely raffle, plus we might also have a small plant stall, so please bring cash with you.

Hadlow Down Book Club Review

We had our usual summer holiday free choice of books in August and an interesting and diverse number to discuss ranging from 18th century to July 2022 and encompassing Africa, Venice and indeed the entire planet.

A Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland Samuel Johnson (1775), a weighty account of his eighty day journey through the Highlands and Islands, full of witty insights and powerful moral judgements. He is more interested in the social conditions with Enclosures just beginning but shows an 18th century lack of interest in the scenery.

Donna Leon’s novels set in Venice featuring the likeable Commissario Brunetti. If you haven’t read these novels you are in for a treat with well-rounded interesting characters, good plots and of course descriptions of wonderful food against the Venetian backdrop. If you want to read them in order start with Death at La Fenice (1992) but the novels get better as the characters develop. Continue reading “Hadlow Down Book Club Review”

A date for your diary !

The Village Fayre Committee are pleased to be hosting

The Together We Can
Big Village Picnic
Sunday 11th September, 12-6 at Hadlow Down Playing Field

A free community event for Hadlow Down Residents. Bring your own picnic and seating or book a fancy picnic table, in the comfort of our beautifully decorated canvas marquee. Gates will open at 12pm.

Many of our Village Associations will be there offering refreshments and entertainment. We hope you will join us and meet with neighbours old and new for an afternoon of fun. Karaoke and open mic spots will run from the Pavilion stage later in the afternoon. Families can either bring their own picnics and enjoy the event and music or alternatively, simply turn up as food and drink will be available to purchase at the event.

For all the details please head over to the Village Fayre pages here

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

The Til Tomorrow Theatre Company Is presenting a double performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Wilderness Wood on Monday 29th. August at 3.00 pm  &  6.00 pm

Set amongst the colliding worlds of the 1980’s, the City and the Fairy Kingdom find a way to co-exist in the eclectic jungle of Theseus’ nightclub. Go on a journey of self discovery, mayhem and deception!

Til Tomorrow Theatre Company is an international collective of fourteen players coming from nine different countries. Using our native accents, our vibrant ensemble brings a diverse multilingual perspective to Shakespeare’s classic. With our wealth of creativity, we have double cast our production: in one day, you can experience two shows that will be completely different and unique over and over again.

Tickets available at the door or book online here.
£10 / £8 concession (including members of Wilderness Wood)
£35 family ticket / £30 members family ticket
Pizza from Cashew Catering and refreshments will be available from 10am to 6pm.
Instagram: @tiltomorrowtheatre