V E Day Anniversary Booklet

To coincide with the upcoming 75th. anniversary of D-Day The Hadlow Down Trust has created a PDF version of the booklet produced by the village to celebrate the 50th. anniversary in 1995. It contains many contributions of wartime memories from notable village residents including Derek & Meg Rostrun, Gerald Standen, Munir Abdelnoor, & Joyce Ashdown.
Click here to read or download: Victory in Europe 50 Anniversary Booklet


Police Warn of Courier Fraud Rise in Sussex

Police are warning residents to be wary of unsolicited phone calls after seeing a rise in reports of courier fraud across Sussex.
Courier fraud is where fraudsters call victims pretending to be from police, a bank, or another trusted organisation and request money or information. Typically, the caller persuades the victim to withdraw a sum of money or disclose personal details such as a PIN number. A courier is then sent to collect it. Continue reading “Police Warn of Courier Fraud Rise in Sussex”

Neil Kempson

It is with extreme sadness that we report the passing of Neil Kempson yesterday.
Neil was a much loved member of the Hadlow Down community and will be sadly missed by all.  His association with the New Inn, St. Mark’s School, the Village Fayres and everything else ‘Hadlow Down’ made him a ‘special’ villager. We are sure that the thoughts of everyone who knew Neil will be with Di and all his family

Kit Wilson Receive £500 From The PPAF

From Wealden Police:
Whilst out on patrol in Uckfield, PCSO Brashill and Duvall stopped by to present The Kit Wilson Trust a cheque for £500 from the Police Property Act Fund.
The Police Property Act Fund (PPAF) is made up of monies received by the police from the sale of found property and from property confiscated by order of court and then sold.
The main aim of the fund is to support local projects undertaken by voluntary/charitable organisations that solely benefit the communities of Sussex; you can find out more and see if you can apply here: http://orlo.uk/og1v9

Image may contain: 3 people, people standing, child, dog, grass, outdoor and nature

St. Mark’s Gets New Rector

PCC ANNOUNCEMENT: “The Reverend Pete Molloy has been appointed Rector of Buxted and Hadlow Down. Pete comes to us from Canada, where he has served in parishes in Saskatchewan and Ontario. He has now been granted the necessary visa to undertake this role, though his post is subject to legal formalities. We look forward to welcoming him, his wife Ann and son Simeon. The date of his institution and induction will be finalised in the near future.”

Message to all dog owners

The Parish Council has received complaints about owners not picking up their dog’s faeces.  Despite the majority of people kindly clearing up after their dogs, there is a very small minority who are either leaving the offending item where it has been deposited or placing it in a bag and leaving it hanging in the hedgerow.  This is especially a problem in Wilderness Lane which makes it very unpleasant for residents and is a health hazard.

For those who leave the item on verges it can be a very unpleasant experience when the owner comes to cut back the vegetation.

Can owners please either place the dog’s faeces in the dog bins provided at the Village Hall and at the playing field or take it home with them.

Thank you for your support in solving this issue.

Hadlow Down Parish Council

A look back at the Village Fayre 2019

As the Covid 19 pandemic has scuppered our plans for village Summer Celebrations,
it seemed now would be the perfect time to look back on our historic 2019 Village Fayre.

You will find the story of the day and a look back at the 1919 event that inspired us over on the Village Fayre page here

New Team Launched To Tackle Countryside Crime In Sussex

Sussex Police has launched a new rural crime team, whose overall aim is to crack down on unlawful behaviour in isolated communities.

This team, launched on Monday (June 1), has been made possible with the precept increase, as acquired by Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Katy Bourne at the start of this financial year. The new funding will allow for more enforcement and greater local policing presence, part of which is rural crime.
Continue reading “New Team Launched To Tackle Countryside Crime In Sussex”

VE Day 75

I am afraid that the terrible Coronavirus emergency and consequent Government guidance means that we are unable to come together today. Our plans, here in the village, for  VE Day 75 community celebrations due to take place on the bank holiday weekend of 8th – 10th May are on ice. It is right and proper that people should be kept safe and healthy.

However, you could take part in celebrations safely from home. I am sure that many of you are planning to do just that. Please share your celebrations with us,

Show us how you’re celebrating! Share your stay at home party photos using the hashtags
#veday75 #hadlowdown

If you are happy to send them to us we will publish them here on the Village Fayre Page on Sunday 10th May.

With my very best wishes,

Sarah Prall, Chair Hadlow Down Village Fayre Committee

Please send your photos, drawings, poems to sarahprall@btinternet.com by Midnight Saturday 9th May.

Wings to Fly

Help for local young people with mental health and well-being problems
Wings to Fly are very pleased to announce that our application for a grant has been successful and we have received £4,115 from the Sussex Community Foundation. This will enable us to support St Mark’s CEP School and the local community with mental health and wellbeing issues during this Covid-19 outbreak. Families who feel they could benefit from this opportunity are invited to contact the School’s office in the first instance on 01825 830375.
The Trustees
Wings to Fly
Reg Charity No:118309
The support of regular donations allows us to demonstrate a strong commitment from the school community. If you are a ble to make a regular (or one off) donation you can do so directly through our donations page kindlink.com/fundraising/wings-to-fly/2563 or via our page on the school website.