The Village Hall Committee are looking for a replacement for our bookings secretary, who is stepping down from her position. This is a salaried post and requires approximately 10 hours per month. The bookings secretary is responsible for taking bookings over email and phone, managing the online diary, updating the website, putting a user check list sheet in the hall at the start of each week, monthly invoicing sent out via email.
For any queries regarding this post, or if you would like to apply please contact Sally Blyfield on
Horticultural Society Autumn Supper
The Horticultural Society invite you to join them for their Autumn supper to be followed by a talk from Fergus Garrett, head gardener at Great Dixter.
Held at the Village Hall on 16th October ~ 6.30 for 7pm.
Tickets £8 for members, £10 for non-members. The talk will be after supper. For bookings and enquiries please contact Barbara Ball on 01825 830231.
The Book Club
Are you an avid reader? Or perhaps new to the village. Did you know we have a flourishing Book Club?
The book club started about 15 years ago with just 3 members and our first novel was ‘the Girl With a Pearl Earring’. Since then we have grown into a small but enthusiastic group of committed readers. We meet monthly in different members houses for book discussion and a bit of gossip over a glass of wine. Books are chosen democratically: someone suggests a book which we may vote on. We aim to read widely — modern literary books, some classics and, occasionally, a thriller or a biography. We want to enjoy our reading but sometimes to challenge ourselves and read something we may otherwise not have thought of.To find out more about the Village Book Club contact Heather.
Activity Address Rose Cottage and various venues
Name of Contact Heather Mines
Contact Address Rose Cottage, Hall Lane, Hadlow Down, TN22 4HJ
Telephone 07974 204231
Email Address
Annual Show Update
A challenging few weeks for gardeners prior to our Annual Show on 3rd August. However, our entrants managed to produce their usual high standards of produce (enormous potatoes this year), beautiful flowers, and those who entered the Flower Arranging Class excelled themselves with creative colour for the ‘Bonfire’ display and a bit of humour for a display in an egg cup (there was even a toasted ‘soldier’ to go with the egg cup!)
The Domestic classes were a treat to see, with several fruit cakes, delicious breads, frittata and a good selection of jams, relish and the flavoured brandy.
There was a wonderful decorated cake with a Lego theme, difficult for ‘little fingers’ to keep their hands off as they wanted to play with the Lego pieces.
The entries for the art and crafts classes produced some interesting pieces, and of course the photographic section had some stunning photos as usual. We had 9 entries for a Limerick in place of a poem, so look out for next year’s challenge!!! Thank you to the children who entered the children’s classes, the Rocky Road looked yummy.
From all of us on the Horticultural Society Committee a big thank you for partaking in this colourful event in our Village Hall. Thank you also to the team serving up the delicious cakes and teas in the afternoon, always a high point of the afternoon and a time for committee to sit down and enjoy listening to comments and to see the hall buzzing with people.
Hope to see you all again next year. (1st August 2020)
Happy Gardening
Kathy Cracknell
Charity Quiz Night
The BIG MacMillan Coffee Morning
Ikarus Inc.
The Rude Mechanicals Theatre Company has now cancelled tonight’s performance on the Playing Field.
We are told that due to the high winds they were unable to erect their tents.
Hastingford Lane Closed
We are getting reports that Hastingford Lane that runs between Hadlow Down and Crowborough is closed due to a RTA and police say it may be closedc for the rest of the day.
Other reports suggest that going via Stonehurst Lane past KIt Wilson and then via Rotherfield may be an option.
Villagers are currently updating on the Village Facebook page
Pop up Supper at the Pavilion
The Pop-Up supper planned for 2nd August has been postponed until Friday 6th September.
The theme is Thai.
To reserve a place please call Glenys on 830857.
The Rude Mechanicals – This Saturday!
The Playing Field Committee are pleased to announce The Rude Mechanical Theatre Company return to the Playing Field on 10th August with the production “Ikarus Inc”. Continue reading “The Rude Mechanicals – This Saturday!”