Vandals Set Fire to School ‘Outdoor Classroom’

Many villagers may already be aware, that sadly some mindless individuals have intentionally set fire to St. Mark’s School ‘outdoor classroom’ area at SMILE Meadow. The school has informed the Police and the Fire Service and, at present, are thinking of how they can move forward to rebuild this area for the children. As this is a temporary structure, it is unfortunately not insured. Once the school has some ideas, they would like to call on all parents and the village community for any donations of materials and time to help us with its reconstruction.

Continue reading “Vandals Set Fire to School ‘Outdoor Classroom’”

New Village Hall Planning Update

Given the delay being experienced with regard to our planning application for the new community centre/village hall, we would like to bring you up to speed with the current situation.

 Application WD/2018/2655/MAJ was submitted to the Wealden Planning Authority during the week beginning 3rd December 2018.  After some initial delay largely due to a requirement that we provide a Noise Assessment (Survey), the consultation period for the application opened during February and closed on 15th March 2019.  We received over 55 supporting statements/comments from Hadlow Down parishioners and users of both the existing hall and playing field. Continue reading “New Village Hall Planning Update”

A New Way of Reporting Crime

Police Forces across England & Wales are using a new system called Single Online Home (SOH). This is a policing portal which allows the public to easily report crimes, incidents and information online.

The police non-emergency phone number 101 remains available if personal contact is required. However, using SOH significantly reduces wait times for those reporting crimes or incidents, or if you simply wish to provide some information to the police. Reporting online via SOH is easy and effective. It has been positively endorsed by a number of Neighbourhood Watch members who have had the opportunity to use it.

The new portal can be found on the home page of the recently updated Sussex Police website In addition to the Report area, here you will find a new box “Tell us about …”. There is a drop down from which you can select, for example, “Something you’ve seen or heard”.

We have given you this information as we know that some people are rightly cautious about clicking on links in E-mails. However, there are some shortcut links available as below, which we have tested for you.

If reporting a crime or incident which has occurred in Sussex, SOH is available directly via You can scroll further down that page to see other options.

If reporting a crime or incident which has occurred outside of Sussex, SOH is available via

If it’s something that you’ve seen or heard the link is

SOH should not be used for an emergency – dialling 999 remains the means of contact if there is danger to a person or if a crime is being committed.

All reports submitted via SOH will receive an immediate acknowledgement message. Reports are reviewed in live time, and within 48 hours Sussex Police will provide a personal response from a named staff member.

A Message From a Prospective Parish Councillor

My name is Peter Weston. I decided to stand for election to Hadlow Down Parish Council after reading an article in the Parish Magazine that said the Parish Council was in danger of folding because too few local residents might put their names forward for election. As a firm believer in local democracy I do not want the Council to disappear so I decided that it is about time I became more involved with, and put something back into, the community in which I have lived for almost 32 years, particularly in relation to improving access (i.e. communications, utilites and public transport) and the environment. Continue reading “A Message From a Prospective Parish Councillor”

School Lane patching works 29th March 2019

ESCC Highways will be undertaking carriageway patching works on School Lane on Friday 29th March.  It will remain open with temporary traffic lights in place from 930am, these will be removed by school pick up time.

If you have any questions please ring 0345 60 80 193

Parish Council Clerk

Parish Assembly 16th April 2019

The Parish Council will be holding their Parish Assembly on Tuesday 16th April at 7pm at the Hadlow Down Village Hall.  Please join us to find out what the Parish Council have been up to in the last year and how they have spent your money.  You will have the opportunity to raise questions and join us and other villagers for drinks and nibbles after the meeting.  If you have any questions about the Parish Assembly please contact the Clerk on 01435 860959 or email:


The Mayfield Trust

The Trustees of the Mayfield Trust have asked asked if we could help raise awareness in the Village about it’s activities. We are only to pleased to do so…

What is The Mayfield Trust?

Mayfield Charity (informally known as the Mayfield Trust) is a Charity that provides short-term assistance to those most in need within the local community.  Originally it provided help solely to poor and needy individuals/families of the Parish, but in recent years the scope of the Trust has been increased and we are now able, in some circumstances, to assist local organisations in their support of the community. Continue reading “The Mayfield Trust”