The Ghost Train Postponed

It is with great regret that Hadlow Down Variety Club, following in the best tradition of British Rail, must announce that the Ghost Train scheduled to run on 4th. & 5th May has had to be postponed.  One of our lead actors has suddenly fallen ill and will need a long period of recovery and we all wish him well.   Being so close to the performance date finding someone to take the part on is not an option but the director and cast having already put so much work into what will be a great local theatrical production are determined that the show is not cancelled but just postponed.   The new dates are November the 23rd. & 24th.   The good news is that there may be more seats available!  Watch this space!!
For all ticket queries and to book for the November dates ring:
Glenys on 01825 830857

Hadlow Down Neighbourhood Watch

 Hadlow Down Village Web Site is the registered Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator for the whole of Hadlow Down.  The web site distributes any relevant alerts, warnings, bulletins and advice from from NHW Control, Community Policing, Sussex Police, Trading Standards, Floodwatch and other agencies via e-mail, the village Facebook Group pages as well as here on the village web site ‘News’ and ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ features.  It also distributes information regarding actual crime and suspected criminal activity received from village residents to the rest of the community.  Information from members can also passed onward to the relevant authorities.

Since the introduction of GDPR legislation Neighbourhood Watch can no longer use the database consisting of the original subscribers to the old village web site and other lists, so all who wish to receive alerts etc. need to let us know that they wish to by using the contact means below.

If you have information you believe should be notified or shared please also use any of the contact means below.
If you have neighbours who cannot receive emails but wish to be part of Neighbourhood Watch please advise us – we will find a way of letting them know of alerts and emergencies.

Activity Address  Hadlow Down Village Web Site, Village Facebook Groups and e-mails
Contact Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator
Telephone 01825 830661