Message to all dog owners

The Parish Council has received complaints about owners not picking up their dog’s faeces.  Despite the majority of people kindly clearing up after their dogs, there is a very small minority who are either leaving the offending item where it has been deposited or placing it in a bag and leaving it hanging in the hedgerow.  This is especially a problem in Wilderness Lane which makes it very unpleasant for residents and is a health hazard.

For those who leave the item on verges it can be a very unpleasant experience when the owner comes to cut back the vegetation.

Can owners please either place the dog’s faeces in the dog bins provided at the Village Hall and at the playing field or take it home with them.

Thank you for your support in solving this issue.

Hadlow Down Parish Council

Wilderness Lane – Road Closure

A temporary road closure will take place between the junction of Chapel Lane and junction of Main Road in Wilderness Lane on the 25th. & 26th. June.
This is to allow BT to undertake apparatus repair work.

Village Article Writers

The Village Magazine is asking for volunteers who would be prepared to write and submit articles on a regular basis on any subject that could be of interest to parishioners.

As well as hoping for input of a variety of village life subjects from all residents the Mag is particularly interested in hearing from youngsters who may be doing Med
ia Studies at college. As well as being recognised for contributing something to your community it’s a great opportunity to add something to your CV!
Please contact Peter at if interested.

Spring Market

We do hope you can come along and join us for the Spring Market to be held in the Village Hall on
Saturday 23rd March, 10 am -2 pm.
Local Produce, preserves, crafts, plants and lots more available.Refreshments will be served all morning and HDCC will be drawing the winners of the Spring Lottery.