WDC Rubbish Collection Dates for Christmas Period

All collection dates will be on our website and we will be sending out calendars to anybody who requests a hard copy
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
We would appreciate any assistance you are able to give to help spread the word and keep residents informed.
Many thanks
Yours sincerely
Julie Goodwin | Waste Management Officer
Waste Management, Wealden District Council
01323 443322 |

Council Offices | Vicarage Lane | Hailsham | East Sussex | BN27 2AX

Message to all dog owners

The Parish Council has received complaints about owners not picking up their dog’s faeces.  Despite the majority of people kindly clearing up after their dogs, there is a very small minority who are either leaving the offending item where it has been deposited or placing it in a bag and leaving it hanging in the hedgerow.  This is especially a problem in Wilderness Lane which makes it very unpleasant for residents and is a health hazard.

For those who leave the item on verges it can be a very unpleasant experience when the owner comes to cut back the vegetation.

Can owners please either place the dog’s faeces in the dog bins provided at the Village Hall and at the playing field or take it home with them.

Thank you for your support in solving this issue.

Hadlow Down Parish Council

Wings to Fly

Help for local young people with mental health and well-being problems
Wings to Fly are very pleased to announce that our application for a grant has been successful and we have received £4,115 from the Sussex Community Foundation. This will enable us to support St Mark’s CEP School and the local community with mental health and wellbeing issues during this Covid-19 outbreak. Families who feel they could benefit from this opportunity are invited to contact the School’s office in the first instance on 01825 830375.
The Trustees
Wings to Fly
Reg Charity No:118309
The support of regular donations allows us to demonstrate a strong commitment from the school community. If you are a ble to make a regular (or one off) donation you can do so directly through our donations page kindlink.com/fundraising/wings-to-fly/2563 or via our page on the school website.

Drones over Village Properties

The Parish Council were recently made aware that sightings and reports of a drone flying over properties in the village were causing concern to some residents.  The PC has looked into the legislation surrounding drones and have issued the following message:


There have been a couple of incidents recently of a drone being flown around the centre of the village which is causing residents concern about both privacy and intent.  If you are the owner of that or any other drone, please be aware of the Civil Aviation Air Navigation Act which governs the use of drones and follow these guidelines:

  • Do not to fly your drone over a congested area, and,
  • Never fly the drone within 50 metres of a person, vehicle or building not under your control or ownership.

WDC Food Providers Register

Wealden District Environmental Health Team has drawn up a register of food businesses continuing to provide takeaway and delivery services in Wealden and Rother.  It includes contact details and food hygiene ratings.
Hadlow Down Online has edited the document to show only those locations within a reasonable distance from Hadlow Down.
C;ick here to see document
Wealden Food Directory
The full list document can be found in the Wealden District Council web site