Can You Help?

Posted on the village Facebook Group pages by Michael Lunn – Parich Council Chair:
I have been notified that East Sussex Highways will closing the main A272 through #HadlowDown on the evening of 27th Febuary from 8pm to 6am (weather permitting). This will be doing more extensive repairs. Little England Farm area is yet to be confirmed but the Parish Council have raised that this should be done at the same time. Further details as and when we get them. Advisory Signs have been erected.
How much do you know about your village?
Over the coming months in 2023 The Hadlow Down Village Trust will be posting on the Village Web Site and The Village Facebook Pages alphabetical lists of people, places, events and anything else we can find in the archives concerning facts, social history, pictorial history and anything else that may be of interest to our community.
As we go through the alphabet we would like to invite and encourage any contributions for inclusion. Even if the item misses the alphabetical header issue please send it anyway as we will always have an addition and amendment list included.
Do you remember anything, have cuttings, references, pictures etc. about people, places, events that are relevant to Hadlow Down?
Just send anything via email to:
Please tell us if you would like to have any contribution acknowledged.
So, how much do you already know about Hadlow Down? The Village Trust thought it would be fun to start off with a quiz for the whole family to try and complete over the Christmas period. The answers will be published in January. A Quiz Form can be downloaded and printed off by clicking here:
Final ABC Quiz for web site
All the answer begin with successive letters of the alphabet starting with A – so that should make it easier!
‘I’ve always believed in inherited pain’
This month our chosen book is The island of Missing Trees by the Turkish writer Elif Shafak, shortlisted for the Women’s Prize for Fiction 2022. It is about the Cypriot civil war and how the trauma of such a war imperils future generations as well as uprooting ordinary lives. It is also a Romeo and Juliet story of the passionate love affair between Kostas, a Greek Cypriot and Defne a Turkish Cypriot and it centres on the story how their daughter Ada comes to terms with the past she has never known. Continue reading “Book Club Review – November”
So, what has been happening in and around St. Mark’s?Well, we had a lovely Harvest Service on 25th September. We sang the old favourite Harvest Hymns and felt that everything was ‘safely gathered in’. The school had also had their Harvest Service, so we had all their produce displayed in the Church. Nowadays the gifts that are given tend to be the packet and tinned variety, rather than fresh produce, as it all gets taken to the Food Bank for distribution, where it is very gratefully received.
The flower ladies had done their usual excellent job of decorating the Church, so that was a lovely welcome, and we thank them for their faithfulness in doing the flowers.
There was also a beautiful exhibition of Harvest pictures by the school children displayed in the Nave of the church.
Continue reading “St. Mark’s Church News – November”