St Mark’s Church News for May 2022

Well, spring seems to have arrived now, and St. Mark’s churchyard is resplendent with daffodils and primroses. They are such a welcoming sight as you walk through.  They are a reminder of the new life that Jesus came to bring us.

The Sussex Wildlife Trust has been taking an interest in the churchyard, because we have several special species of plants there, especially green winged orchids and wax caps.  Members of the organisation came and worked hard, one morning, clearing specific areas and giving us advice as to how to manage the churchyard and give the various plants the best opportunity to survive and flourish.   We will be following that advice now.
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HS Spring Supper Talk

The Spring Supper Talk
is next Wednesday 13th. April 6.30 pm for 7.00pm
‘From City Courtyard to Seaside Sanctuary’
Speaker: Geoff Stonebanks
Tickets are limited to 40 but there are still some left. Please contact Kathy Cracknell by email or phone 01825 830616 ASAP if you wish to enjoy this village evening of an excellent meal, glass of wine and an extremely interesting illustrated talk on a very special Sussex garden.
£8 each members only.

Telephone Box Book Exchange

  The Parish Council has agreed that our village ex telephone box at the top of Hut Lane can be used as a book and magazine exchange – the first
donations are now on the shelves so please go and take a look.
All bookworms are welcome to use the new BOOK EXCHANGE  that is open 24/7!
Please just take the book of your choice and and leave behind another, in good condition,  if possible.
If just passing through and have no book to replace one taken then still just help yourself.

Just enjoy reading!!!

Please do not leave donated books on the floor if the shelves are full.

Horticultural Society AGM

Due to differing lifestyle reasons social activity within communities is constantly changing. The internet and social media have had significant influence on pastimes and use of leisure time over the last twenty years with shared ideas, discussion, debate and activity taking place from a home environment rather than a hub of collective interest in an exterior venue at regular daily, weekly, monthly or other intervals. These social habit changes can affect smaller rural communities more than others and collective interests are more likely to be of subjects that are inherently part of daily life.
One common entity in most homes in a village like Hadlow Down is a garden.
Our village gardens vary enormously, some being spread over several acres others just the size of an average living room. They are used in many ways including aesthetic, functional, and recreational reasons.   Whatever the preferred usage of the garden somewhere in it will almost certainly be some flowers and perhaps shrubs and trees the beauty of which give great pleasure, also sometimes the reward of home grown vegetables. There is often a passion to share the attraction and experience of what is created in one’s own garden with others.
Hadlow Down Horticultural Society is a lively group that has been flourishing for almost thirty years. There are around 60 members who enjoy sharing knowledge and seeing other gardens.  Two evenings a year they have a supper followed by a talk from a visiting lecturer. they often have car outings to interesting gardens in easy reach of Hadlow Down.   In Spring there is usually a ‘Bring and Buy’ plant sale and the highlight of the year is the annual Flower Show in August.
Membership entitles discounts at several local nurseries.
The Horticultural Society Annual General Meeting
will take place on:

10 a.m. for   10.30
(Coffee will be available)

All villagers are welcome – come along, have a coffee, perhaps make new friends and find out more about the gardens of Hadlow Down.
More information can be found on the village web page:
or you may like to be part of the Hadlow Down Gardening Facebook Club::

Wealden DC Consulting Residents on Council Tax Rises

Have your say on Council Tax Increases!

Wealden DC are consulting residents on increasing Council Tax for the next financial Year.
The closing date for  the consultation period is 20th January. and it is therefor important for residents to submit any comments as soon as possible.
The page that outlines the consultation is:
and the link to the consultation itself is: