Horticultural Society Show a Blooming Success

Although the number of categories were reduced this year the Horticultural Society members put on a wonderful exhibition of village gardening and crafts.
the usual delicious variety of cakes and other refreshments were available.
The show was well attended despite Covid and the awful weather!
Watch this space for a list of the trophy winners.



Horticultural Society Annual Show 2021

It’s tomorrow!!!!!
Horticultural Society Annual Show 2021
All of our village clubs and societies need some local support during these strange times. Please come along even if you are not entering any categories to see the exhibits and meet up with friends and acquaintances you may not have seen for months!
Refreshments will be available in a gazebo outside the hall.
The Entry Form and rules can be downloaded as a PDF from the Village Web site as can the Full Schedule
It’s tomorrow!!!!!

Horticultural Society Trip to King John’s Lodge

A beautiful summers morning was enjoyed by members of the Horticultural Society for their visit to King John’s Lodge on Thursday. An absolutely superb re-start to village community events since lockdown. The gardens have been extended and new design concepts introduced since the last visit some years back.
Well done Heather for organising.
For interest the name of that amazing red peony admired by all was ‘Early Scout’ (unfortunately the picture colouring doesn’t do it justice!)

Hort. Soc. Visit to King John’s Lodge

Hadlow Down Horticultural Society members are planning a car visit to King John’s Lodge in Etchingham  on Thursday June 24th..
This trip to the extensive and impressive gardens is the first opportunity for members to meet up since lockdown and we’re sure there will be a lot of conversational catching up to do which will be enjoyed in the excellent cafe in the grounds.  There is also an “Aladdin’s Cave” of a shop and a very good nursery to browse round after visiting the gardens.
All garden loving villagers are invited to join members and talk about other gardens and other Hort. Soc. activities.
Anyone who wants to join us we will meet at the cafe at 10.30 am.  Please just let Heather know you’re coming at heathermines2@hotmail.com and  turn up on the day.  The cost is £6.50 per person

History of Hadlow Down Village Hall

Hadlow Down’s first village hall, although not named as such, was a large hut obtained from the YMCA and erected on land donated by the Eridge Estate; it was always known as ‘the Hut’ or ‘the Red Triangle Hut’ after its previous owners’ symbol.  Opened on June 8th 1921 by Princess Marie Louise, Queen Victoria’s last grandchild, it immediately became the focal point for many of the village’s activities. The Hut hosted many social occasions, classes, Horticultural Society meetings, the Organ Club, British Legion (male and female branches) the Happy Circle for older members of the village, the Jazz Club, the Pied Pipers drama group, and the Bowls Club. It was also used for more formal meetings such as the Church Parochial Council and the Parish Council. Continue reading “History of Hadlow Down Village Hall”

Neighbours Object as New Plan Submitted for Homes on Village Hall Site

From Uckfield News:

A new outline planning application has been submitted to demolish Hadlow Down Village Hall and build three homes on the site.

Outline permission was given in 2018 for the project- see a previous Uckfield News story: Plans to demolish village hall and build three homes approved – but reserved matters have not been submitted within the three years required.

The same design and access statement submitted for the first application, number WD/2018/0089/0 accompanies the new application, number WD/2021/0471.

Continue reading “Neighbours Object as New Plan Submitted for Homes on Village Hall Site”

The Great British Spring Clean

Save the date: The next Great British Spring Clean will be held in Wealden from 28 May until 13 June 2021.

Our outdoor spaces are more important to us now than ever before. We are once again proud to support Keep Britain Tidy and their Great British Spring Clean campaign to free our outdoor spaces from litter. Close to a million bags of litter were collected in the UK in 2019. Wealden District Council has supported this initiative for the past five years. In the past year alone, volunteer litter pickers in Wealden have been very active, collecting well in excess of 1,500 bags of litter. This Spring, Keep Britain Tidy call on you to join their #MillionMileMission to clean up the country and show some love for those special places that helped us though lockdown. If 250,000 people pledge to pick up litter for 90 minutes each, a million miles of outdoor space would be covered – that’s to the moon and back twice!

Continue reading “The Great British Spring Clean”

St Mark’s Church News for February 2021.

St Mark’s church news for February 2021.

I suppose this should begin with ‘A Happy New Year to all our readers’!  I think we have all been saying ‘Well it couldn’t be worse!’

As I write, 3 of the new vaccines have been approved for use in the UK, and the Buxted surgery has just started calling the over 70s for vaccination.  Let us pray this will indeed be the beginning of a Happy New Year for us all.  So sadly we are presently in the process of a 3rd lockdown, and that has meant some big decisions needing to be made for our Parish of Buxted and Hadlow Down.

Continue reading “St Mark’s Church News for February 2021.”