Hadlow Down Book Club Review

‘Piranesi’ by  Susannah Clarke

This month we have been reading Susanna Clarke’s ’Piranesi’ (2020)
‘The Beauty of the House is immeasurable; its Kindness infinite’
I have to admit that I was reluctant to read this book – not my usual sort of thing at all – and to begin with I made slow progress.  However, the beauty of the descriptions and the mystery and suspense that develops drew me in and I found it a rewarding book to read.
It is set in the ‘House’, a fantasy world made up of Halls filled with classical statues.  Some Halls are very beautiful, others are sinister and potentially dangerous.  The Halls are washed by the tides of the sea and periodically high tides cause flooding while clouds drift across the high walls.  Within these Halls lives the narrator known as Piranesi.  He is alone apart from ‘the Other’ who he believes also lives in the House and who meets him twice a week for research.  Sometimes the Other brings Piranesi gifts, like shoes, vitamin pills, a ham and cheese sandwich. Continue reading “Hadlow Down Book Club Review”

Fireworks Postponed

Sadly we have decided that we can no longer go ahead with the planned fireworks display on Saturday due to the new national lockdown. Our hearty thanks to all those who have so generously donated to our Village organisations, all is not lost! We hope to reschedule the display for New Years Eve. We will keep you informed. In the meantime you can still donate, every penny raised will be shared amongst our Village organisations – The Village Hall, The Playing Field, The Horticultural Society, The Variety Club, The New Village Hall and The Church.


VE Day 75 in pictures

“our streets are not empty, they are filled with the love and the care that we have for each other”.

Just before 11 am, on Friday 8th May at St.Marks Church,  Richard Boswell  stood in the church yard and played The Last Post  and the Reveille.

Keith Edwards fired a Maroon to mark the beginning and end of the two minute silence.

At approximately 11.05 am Richard began to play We’ll Meet Again… Anne and Chris Yarrow spontaneously started to dance. Thanks to Keith filming it we can join in too…

The Queen’s speech was perfect and poignant, in the broadcast, she said:

“Today it may seem hard that we cannot mark this special anniversary as we would wish.”

“Instead we remember from our homes and from our doorsteps.”

It aired exactly 75 years on from her father King George VI’s address at the end of the Second World War in Europe.

Thanking the wartime generation, the Queen, 94, said: “They risked all so our families and neighbourhoods could be safe.”

“We should and will remember them.”

This year’s celebration has been limited due to the lockdown conditions in place across Europe because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Despite this, the Queen said, “our streets are not empty, they are filled with the love and the care that we have for each other”.

“And when I look at our country today and see what we are willing to do to protect and support one another, I say with pride that we are still a nation those brave soldiers, sailors and airmen would recognise and admire.”

we would love to share your drawings, poems and photographs

If you would like to be featured in our VE Day gallery please contact sarahprall@btinternet.com

With grateful thanks to Anne Yarrow, Beverly Williams, Conchita Landa-Font, Judi Lampon, Julian Turner, Keith Edwards, Lucy Mcconachie, Peter Smythe, Richard Boswell, Roberta Smythe, Sam Fake, Sarah Prall, Tracey Boorman

Hadlow Down Parish Council Housing Needs Survey 2020 Results

The Parish Council is continually trying to monitor the needs of parishioners in Hadlow Down, so in March 2020 they asked residents and anyone else who would like to be  resident to complete a Housing Needs Survey. You can view the results by pasting the following link into your web browser:  https://forms.gle/Qu5U2phZf5kvdhVT7 and then selecting “See previous responses”.




There have been a couple of incidents recently of a drone being flown around the centre of the village which is causing residents concern about both privacy and intent.  If you are the owner of that or any other drone, please be aware of the Civil Aviation Air Navigation Act which governs the use of drones and follow these guidelines:

  •  Do not to fly your drone over a congested area, and,
  •  Never fly the drone within 50 metres of a person, vehicle or building not     under your control or ownership.