The Mayfield Trust

The Trustees of the Mayfield Trust have asked asked if we could help raise awareness in the Village about it’s activities. We are only to pleased to do so…

What is The Mayfield Trust?

Mayfield Charity (informally known as the Mayfield Trust) is a Charity that provides short-term assistance to those most in need within the local community.  Originally it provided help solely to poor and needy individuals/families of the Parish, but in recent years the scope of the Trust has been increased and we are now able, in some circumstances, to assist local organisations in their support of the community. Continue reading “The Mayfield Trust”

July Hadlow Down Book Club Review

‘English humour turns on transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary’ , James Thurber 

Listening to the World Service in the small hours of an insomniac night, I suddenly jolted wide awake as I heard the voice of the author of one of our favourite Book Club reads – Clare Chambers talking about Small Pleasures. She was saying that she extensively read fifties novels in order to capture the dialogue and atmosphere of the time. Her favourite was Excellent Women (1952) by Barbara Pym, so we decided to read it ourselves.   Continue reading “July Hadlow Down Book Club Review”

Hadlow Down Dram & Variety Club Auditions

Auditions for the HDD&VC plays that will be performed on April 19th. & 20th. will take place in the Village Hall on Monday 15th. January at 7.30 pm.
You do not need to be a member of the club to audition.  If you are interested please just turn up and enjoy the evening.

Hadlow Down Book Club Review


Lancaster author Carys Davies photographed by Jonathan Bean

West  (2018)

‘The dizzying weight of the earth and everything in it and beyond it’

In contrast to our last read, the long novel Middlesex, this month we read the novella West, the first novel by an award winning short story  writer and poet, Carys Davies. Although slim, the book deals with big, some say, mythic themes., exploring our relationship with the environment. Continue reading “Hadlow Down Book Club Review”

Horticultural Society Visit

On behalf of the Hadlow Down Horticultural Society:
Horticultural Society Reminder
May be an image of the Cotswolds and Eltz Castle
On Thursday June 15th we are visiting Sissinghurst., meeting for coffee in the Granary restaurant at 10.15. Why not come and join us and enjoy the profusion of roses, the leg
endary white garden and, above all, the wonderful Mediterranean inspired Delos garden. Tickets are £16 unless you are a National Trust member.
Contact Heather or one of the committee members if you need a lift.

The Village Volunteer Directory

The Big Help Out event to celebrate the Coronation has now gone but volunteers are still needed nationally and locally. The Hadlow Down Facebook Group and the Hadlow Down Village Web Site will continue to support all those clubs, societies, groups etc. who would welcome volunteers by maintaining a permanent file in the Village Web Site:
Village Volunteer Directory
and the Facebook Group Page that can be accessed at any time by just clicking on
 ‘Files’ in the page menu that can be found under the header picture. and clicking on Village Volunteer Directory.
Continue reading “The Village Volunteer Directory”