Bowls Club

Contact Name:          Don Smith
Home ‘Phone:            01435 810045

Neighbourhood Watch

Contact Name:          Eddie Westfield
Home ‘Phone:            01825 830661

New Team Launched To Tackle Countryside Crime In Sussex

Sussex Police has launched a new rural crime team, whose overall aim is to crack down on unlawful behaviour in isolated communities.

This team, launched on Monday (June 1), has been made possible with the precept increase, as acquired by Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Katy Bourne at the start of this financial year. The new funding will allow for more enforcement and greater local policing presence, part of which is rural crime.
Continue reading “New Team Launched To Tackle Countryside Crime In Sussex”

The Mayfield Trust

The Trustees of the Mayfield Trust have asked asked if we could help raise awareness in the Village about it’s activities. We are only to pleased to do so…

What is The Mayfield Trust?

Mayfield Charity (informally known as the Mayfield Trust) is a Charity that provides short-term assistance to those most in need within the local community.  Originally it provided help solely to poor and needy individuals/families of the Parish, but in recent years the scope of the Trust has been increased and we are now able, in some circumstances, to assist local organisations in their support of the community. Continue reading “The Mayfield Trust”