Horticultural Society

This is a lively society that has been flourishing for almost thirty years. We have about 100 members who enjoy sharing knowledge and seeing other gardens.  Two evenings a year we have a supper followed by a talk from a visiting lecturer. We have an annual coach outing to a notable garden and two car outings to interesting gardens closer to home. In May there is a Bring and Buy plant sale and the highlight of the year is the annual Flower Show in August.
Membership entitles discounts at several local nurseries.
Activity Address Village Hall and various external venues.
Name of Contact Heather Mines
Contact Address Rose Cottage, Hall Lane, Hadlow Down, TN22 4HJ
Telephone 07974 204231
Email Address heathermines2@hotmail.com

Horticultural Show

Time to start lining up & preparing all the Fruit, Veg & Flowers you intend to show and getting your entry forms in.

Village Article Writers

The Village Magazine is asking for volunteers who would be prepared to write and submit articles on a regular basis on any subject that could be of interest to parishioners.

As well as hoping for input of a variety of village life subjects from all residents the Mag is particularly interested in hearing from youngsters who may be doing Med
ia Studies at college. As well as being recognised for contributing something to your community it’s a great opportunity to add something to your CV!
Please contact Peter at smyth594@gmail.com if interested.

Christmas Table Decoration Making

The village Horticultural Society committees of both Hadlow Down and Buxted are working hard to promote events that help to secure the future of their societies in both villages. Admin is therefore happy to include the following post on our pages as part of a reciprocal agreement although it does not necessarily comply with group rules regarding village boundaries.
From Lisa Ayling
Christmas is coming! Do come along to our Christmas event on Saturday 9th December at 2pm. You can make your own stunning festive table piece with sparkly teasels, fircones and foliage. All welcome including beginners. Festive refreshments too. Its fun! To reserve a place do email: info@buxtedhorticulturalsociety.org.uk