In the ecclesiastical year we are now into Lent, for Christians a time of abstinence and contemplation. We remember Christ’s temptation in the wilderness, His death on the Cross and then His glorious resurrection on Easter Day. Continue reading “ST MARK’S CHURCH NEWS -April 2022”
Last call for Race Night Tickets !
Horticultural Society AGM
Due to differing lifestyle reasons social activity within communities is constantly changing. The internet and social media have had significant influence on pastimes and use of leisure time over the last twenty years with shared ideas, discussion, debate and activity taking place from a home environment rather than a hub of collective interest in an exterior venue at regular daily, weekly, monthly or other intervals. These social habit changes can affect smaller rural communities more than others and collective interests are more likely to be of subjects that are inherently part of daily life.
One common entity in most homes in a village like Hadlow Down is a garden.
Our village gardens vary enormously, some being spread over several acres others just the size of an average living room. They are used in many ways including aesthetic, functional, and recreational reasons. Whatever the preferred usage of the garden somewhere in it will almost certainly be some flowers and perhaps shrubs and trees the beauty of which give great pleasure, also sometimes the reward of home grown vegetables. There is often a passion to share the attraction and experience of what is created in one’s own garden with others.
Hadlow Down Horticultural Society is a lively group that has been flourishing for almost thirty years. There are around 60 members who enjoy sharing knowledge and seeing other gardens. Two evenings a year they have a supper followed by a talk from a visiting lecturer. they often have car outings to interesting gardens in easy reach of Hadlow Down. In Spring there is usually a ‘Bring and Buy’ plant sale and the highlight of the year is the annual Flower Show in August.
Membership entitles discounts at several local nurseries.
The Horticultural Society Annual General Meeting
will take place on:
10 a.m. for 10.30
(Coffee will be available)
All villagers are welcome – come along, have a coffee, perhaps make new friends and find out more about the gardens of Hadlow Down.
More information can be found on the village web page:
or you may like to be part of the Hadlow Down Gardening Facebook Club::
Save our Village Fayre!
Sarah and Lally will be at the Village Hall on Friday evening, 25th February at 7.30 pm, representing the dangerously near extinction Hadlow Down Village Fayre! If you are interested in saving our wonderful Fayre and could spare some time to support putting on an event we would love to see you there!
We are keen to attract groups of friends to join us as volunteers and we are on the look out for a new Chair, could it be you or do you know the perfect candidate?
If you would like more information or have any questions about what we are looking for please contact Sarah, thank you.
Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations
The Spring Market Returns
The Spring Market is back ! This will be our first Spring Market event since 2019! Do join us if you can in the Village Hall on Saturday 19th March between 10.30 am and 2.00 pm. Tea Coffee and cakes will be served all morning, we look forward to seeing you.
Stalls will include Cards, Gifts, Preserves, Locally Produced Meat and Plants.
The Spring Draw for the Village Lottery will also take place. If you would like to buy lottery tickets and or would like more information please contact Janet Tourell
St. Mark’s Swimming Success
St. Mark’s school were placed first in the Uckfield Swimming Gala!

There were excellent individual performances and the overall team result was outstanding.

New Date announced for Race Night
The New Village Hall Committee are delighted to announce that “Race Night” will be going ahead on Saturday April 2nd at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. We do hope that you will join us for a really fun event, including a curry* and a chance to bet on the races. Tables will be made of eight at £15 per head. You can either buy a whole table or individual tickets. This event is being held to raise funds for our new Village Hall, there are lots of ways you can support us –
Sponsor a race for £50 and name the race!
Become a race horse owner, only £5 per horse. There will be prizes on the night for the winning owners.
Bets will cost £1 per horse, prize money will be shared equally between the winners and the HDCC
Tickets are £15 per head and include a bowl of *curry and rice
There will be a licensed bar
For more details, to buy tickets and or to pledge your support please contact Bob on 830857
*vegetarian/vegan option available, please pre-order with your ticket
Hadlow Down Book Club Review January 2022
The Hadlow Down Book Club’s review of their December 2021 reading
An Experiment in Love (1995) by Hilary Mantel –
Click here to read or download PDF Book Club January 2022