Street Safe Tool

Have you seen the new StreetSafe tool? It’s an online tool where you can tell us anonymously about locations in your neighbourhood that make you feel or have made you feel unsafe. This could be due to environmental issues such as street lighting, abandoned buildings or vandalism or because of behaviours you’ve experienced that could include being followed or verbally abused.
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The Garden – Ken Mine’s Column for November

One of the few constants in an ever-changing climate is the autumn of mists and mellow fruitfulness. Well, mists anyway – often spectacular from our garden looking towards Crowborough in the early morning when it lies in a thick blanket in the valley, the tops of trees poking through here and there. Fruitfulness for us is not traditional – we don’t have room for pumpkins and although fascinatingly colourful we can’t make room for inedible gourds. Instead, we take advantage of the protection afforded by the greenhouse and polytunnel to keep us supplied throughout the coming months with salads. Cut and come again’ varieties include rocket, mizuna and several types of mixed leaves. American land cress can be sown as late as September and is very hardy: even surviving  outdoors.
Continue reading “The Garden – Ken Mine’s Column for November”

Monthly Quiz Night at the New Inn


Did you know that there is a monthy quiz night held at The New Inn on the first Tuesday of every month?  To enter you will need a team of four and a team name. All are welcome, Entry fee is £5

The next quiz will be held on Tuesday 2nd November. We hope to see you there !


Race Night Postponement

We are disappointed to announce the cancellation of our Race Night scheduled for Saturday 23rd Oct at the Village Hall.  We were taken aback with the generous support of so many – all the races and horses were sold and Julian Michaelson-Yeates was busily preparing a delicious curry for an expected eighty people.  Unfortunately, the take-up of bookings did not match our optimism and with such a low number, we decided to cancel.  There may be several reasons to explain this but we suspect that continued anxiety about gathering in a confined indoor space with others was a real issue.

 We have re-scheduled the Race Night for Saturday 26th March 2022.  Thanks for your continued support for our new hall and please continue to visit our website and Facebook pages to keep in touch with our progress.

 Best wishes,
Bob Lake on behalf of HDCC


Pilates Classes

Pilates Classes for posture core strength and flexibility
Thursdays 11am – 12pm
Hadlow Down Village Hall

Contact Sioux
‘Phone:   07887682433

Parish Council Vacancy


Are you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor and volunteering your time for the good of Hadlow Down? If so and you would like to find out more about the role, the criteria required and how to get in touch, click this link:
Vacancy Sept 2021