January Book Club Review


This month we have been reading Anne Tyler’s ‘Redhead by the Side of the Road’, one of the shorter and more bittersweet of her novels but, nevertheless, quietly profound and longlisted for the Booker Prize.

It is about Micah Mortimer:- a man in his 40s, the youngest of a chaotic family of sisters; the only one to go to university and then have a professional job, but who opted out of corporate life and now scrapes a living running a one-man computer repair business and caretaking his block of flats, giving him free accommodation. His family regard him with affectionate bewilderment.
Continue reading “January Book Club Review”

St Mark’s Church News for February 2021.

St Mark’s church news for February 2021.

I suppose this should begin with ‘A Happy New Year to all our readers’!  I think we have all been saying ‘Well it couldn’t be worse!’

As I write, 3 of the new vaccines have been approved for use in the UK, and the Buxted surgery has just started calling the over 70s for vaccination.  Let us pray this will indeed be the beginning of a Happy New Year for us all.  So sadly we are presently in the process of a 3rd lockdown, and that has meant some big decisions needing to be made for our Parish of Buxted and Hadlow Down.

Continue reading “St Mark’s Church News for February 2021.”

‘Gilead’ by Marilyn Robinson – Book Club Review

“Existence seems to me now the most remarkable thing that could ever be imagined”

 During this lockdown the Book Club has been reading “Gilead” by Marilyn Robinson, published in 2004 and winner of the Pulitzer Prize 2005, often on lists of best or most influential books.
I think that Barack Obama gives one of the most succinct summaries in his interview with the author for New York Review of books (2015) ‘One of my favourite characters in fiction is a pastor in Gilead , Iowa, named John Ames, who is gracious and courtly and a little bit confused about how to reconcile his faith with all the various travails that his family goes through. And I just fell in love with the book.’
It takes the form of a journal and memoir, as written in 1956 and is addressed to the narrator’s seven- year- old son.  John Ames is 76, ill with angina and wishes to leave something of himself to his son.  He has led a lonely life: his wife and baby daughter having died many years ago.  In old age he married a young woman, a wanderer of little education but has wisdom and sensitivity.  Some of the loveliest passages in the book are as Ames watches his young son and his wife together. Continue reading “‘Gilead’ by Marilyn Robinson – Book Club Review”

Fireworks Postponed

Sadly we have decided that we can no longer go ahead with the planned fireworks display on Saturday due to the new national lockdown. Our hearty thanks to all those who have so generously donated to our Village organisations, all is not lost! We hope to reschedule the display for New Years Eve. We will keep you informed. In the meantime you can still donate, every penny raised will be shared amongst our Village organisations – The Village Hall, The Playing Field, The Horticultural Society, The Variety Club, The New Village Hall and The Church.