It’s getting near that time again when the village demonstrates its support for this wonderful charity.
Please enter in your diary.
Pop up Supper at the Pavilion
The Pop-Up supper planned for 2nd August has been postponed until Friday 6th September.
The theme is Thai.
To reserve a place please call Glenys on 830857.
Race Night!
Hadlow Down Playing Field presents a
At the Village Hall on Saturday 28th September.
To include a curry supper and a licensed bar.
£15 per person – Tickets 01825 830857
Races on the big screen – The Village Bookmaker will be there!
The Rude Mechanicals – This Saturday!
The Playing Field Committee are pleased to announce The Rude Mechanical Theatre Company return to the Playing Field on 10th August with the production “Ikarus Inc”. Continue reading “The Rude Mechanicals – This Saturday!”
Hadlow Down Variety and Drama Club
Do you like to act, sing or dance? Can you play the piano or keyboard? Can you sew? Make and paint scenery? Design and make props? Are you interested in Sound and Lighting for stage productions? Can you design and sew costumes? Are you good at Publicity, Stage Management, or just making tea?
If you answer ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, then come and join Hadlow Down Variety and Drama Club.
Well established, we are a very friendly, fun-loving, lively and informal group. We put on plays, murder mystery dinners and pantomimes – all performed by the village, for the village.
In addition, we meet socially for meals out, mime and improvisation evenings, theatre visits and an annual barbecue. We are always looking to welcome new members.
Fun Dog Show
Peace Day 100
We do hope you will join us to celebrate 100 years since the Village celebrated Peace Day
on 19th July 1919 at The Grange.
Last year, whilst working on the Hadlow Down Remembers Project, we discovered this wonderful photograph.
The Village came together to celebrate the end of the 1st World War. There was singing, games, dressing up and a tea tent!
With your help we would like to recreate this wonderful photograph at
1pm at the Fayre on July 20th.
The Fayre will be lovely traditional affair at the Playing Field. You can expect our gorgeous traditional Tea Tent, The Shepherds Rest and Bah, our Pimms and Prosecco bar, Barbecue, Ice Cream, and the Fun Dog Show is back, there will be lots of Local Produce, Plants, Beautiful Stalls, Games and more! Our village societies will be well represented by the Playing Field Committee, the Drama and Variety Club as well as the Horticultural Society.
We are absolutely thrilled The Heathfield Silver Band will be playing, kicking the Fayre off in rousing fashion at 1pm. Homefront Lindy Hop will be performing in the main arena and the children from St. Mark’s School are treating us to a traditional maypole dance. There will be a Sing Along and a Ukulele duo in the Tea Tent. In addition our ever popular Fun Dog Show and Agility Competition are back, look out for more details on our FB page.
We will take the official group photographs at the beginning of the event. If you join us for this we will assume you give consent to appear in the photograph. The photographs will appear on the Village Website, FB page and in the Parish Magazine. We will continue to take official photographs at the event but will focus on capturing the essence of the day and not take portraits of individuals unless they have given prior consent.
We love dressing up but it’s not obligatory! We know some of you will pull out all the stops and dress in period outfits or in vintage uniform, that would be wonderful…but please just come as you are if dressing up is not your thing. We hope that some of you will take cues from the original photograph, boys in Peaky Blinders style…shirts, waistcoats and caps. Girls in white with straw hats or we would love to see Nurses, Land girls, Officers…we will be giving out commemorative rosettes to the best turned out on the day.
There will be an impromptu Sing Along in the afternoon in the Tea Tent
The Dog Show and Agility competition will be running. Please come along with your dog and register for classes at the Gazebo by the Agility Area. Details and times of classes will be listed in the programme and on our Facebook page.
The Children’s Treasure Hunt and races in the main arena will be running. There are prizes and rosettes to be won
The Bake Off challenge is back. Can you bake a cake for our CAKE STALL? We plan to award the winner of the most beautifully decorated cake one of our limited edition Bake Off aprons, there will be rosettes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places plus a separate class for under 16s. All cakes will then be sold to raise money for the Village. For more details see our FB page.
We need Bottles for our BOTTLE STALL, can you donate a bottle or two, alcohol and or soft drinks? Please contact Lally – or we will collecting door to door two weeks before the Fayre.
Would you or your business like to Sponsor one of our events/games? Please contact Sarah
Would you be available to shake a bucket and Sell Programmes and Raffle Tickets for an hour or two? Please contact Lally –
As you know Our Village Fayre is a wonderfully happy and celebratory event. If you would like to join us in helping to arrange this much loved Community Day please contact Sarah or Lally
Save the Date – this year the Fayre is on 20th July 2019
Celebrating the centenary of the Peace Day party held at The Grange on
19th July 1919.
Continuing from the Hadlow Down Remembers project.
We will be recreating this photograph a century after the original, we do hope you will be able to join us…
1-5 at The Playing Field.
#lovehadlowdown #hadlowdownvillagefayre #peaceday100 #playingfieldhadlowdown
Village Fayre 2017 “And Now for Something Completely Different…”
#lovehadlowdown #hadlowdownvillagefayre #hadlowdownsummerfayre #villagefayre #whothrewthat #andnowforsomethingcompletelydifferent #hadlowdownplayingfield
Big Village Party 2, 30th June 2018
#lovehadlowdown #bigvillageparty #hadlowdownvillagefayre #hadlowdown #playingfieldhadlowdown