Wilderness Wood

Community Woodland – Hadlow Downers can become members of Wilderness Wood and come for walks, BBQs, camping, Christmas markets. You are also invited to get involved with the work of stewarding and improving the woodland.  All ages welcome
Activity Address Wilderness Wood, Main Road, Hadlow Down
Contact Emily and Dan Morrish – Owner
Address Wilderness Wood, Main Road, Hadlow Down
Telephone 01825 830509
Mobile 07967343231
Email emilyanddan@wildernesswood.co.uk
Web Site URL www.wildernesswood.org

New Village Hall

We are currently working towards creating a sustainable future for the village hall and the playing field by: re-locating the new community centre to the playing field and providing one space to accommodate sports and other community users;
promoting greater usage within the parish and increased self-generated income by making the facilities more attractive and in the case of the playing field, ensuring that the drainage is improved.

Improving heating and lighting systems and making greater use of renewable energy sources, thereby reducing hall running costs and its carbon footprint.
We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation:

Registered Charity Number: 1158375
Activity Address The Playing Field, School Lane, Hadlow Down
Contact Bob Lake – Chair
Address ‘Ailsa’, Waghorns Lane, Hadlow Down TN22 4JA
Telephone 01825 830857
Mobile 07503 217489
Email hadlowdowncommunitycentre@gmail.com
Web Site URL www.newvillagehall.co.uk

The New Inn

John Booth – The Drinking Man’s Guide to Sussex & Kent 1974 “Let us have no polite hesitations about this statement, no careful conditional reservations, let the claim be made loud and boldly – The New Inn at Hadlow Down in Sussex is the best pub in the county and probably in England”.

The Village Pub  Activities include some occasional drinking of ale!! And occasional traditional events such asThe Ashdown Morris, folk music, indy, rock blues and not forgetting the Quiz held every second Tuesday, teams of up to four persons. 7.30 for 8.00pm start. Winning teams get to donate the winnings to a village organisation. Sandwiches provided. £5.00 per person entry.

In the mid-1880’s a fire destroyed the old New Inn in ‘suspicious circumstances’.  It was started just as the bailiffs were taking away anything saleable. The rebuilding design was undertaken in 1885 by Denman of Brighton.  Throughout the latter half of the 20th century the pub earned itself a reputation which could be described either as ‘enviable’ or ‘non-enviable’ depending on what the customer’s idea of a village pub should be! The interior has a long public bar at the front and a small public room behind. ‘This is a rare example of a rural public house and hotel which retains its original fittings virtually intact’.

Address The New Inn, Main Road, Hadlow Down, East Sussex. TN22 4HJ
Contact Staff behind the bar
Mobile 07909 904870
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenewinn.hadlowdown/?fref=ts

The Kit Wilson Trust

The purpose of the Trust is to promote the welfare of animals – To Rescue abandoned, unwanted, ill-treated and neglected animals – To care for these animals and provide them with any necessary veterinary attention until they can be re-homed.  From a modest beginning the Trust has grown, and in 1986 set up its own Animal Rescue Centre at Hadlow Down, near Uckfield, in East Sussex. In addition to the animal rescue and re-homing work, the Trust has become increasingly involved in wildlife rehabilitation, and operates a wildlife emergency help line. Over the years, the Rescue Centre has also become a permanent home to many animals which it is not possible or desirable to re-home: these include horses, donkeys, cats, goats, birds and small rodents.

Registered Charity No. 1143338
Activity Address Animal Rescue Centre, Stonehurst Lane, Hadlow Down, East Sussex TN22 4ED
And at Charity Shops in Uckfield, Hailsham & Eastbourne
Contact Duty Staff
Address Animal Rescue Centre, Stonehurst Lane, Hadlow Down, East Sussex TN22 4ED
Telephone All animal enquiries – 9am – 5pm daily – 01825 830444 Wildlife Emergency number only – 01825 830735
Email mail@kitwilsontrust.org.uk – for non animal contact only please
Web Site URL http://www.kitwilsontrust.org.uk/
Facebook The Kit Wilson Trust for Animal Welfare  – https://www.facebook.com/kitwilsontrust/

St. Mark’s C of E Primary School

We are a Church school and we pride ourselves on our church school  distinctiveness and the very special ethos that pervades through our mission statement,  ‘St Mark’s, with the love of Jesus, will give us wings to fly.’ Christian values are promoted, and our a part of the everyday life of the school, and are developed through a two year cycle. The culture of our school is one of ‘learners and leaders’- all stakeholders are learning and developing together and in a small school with such a skilled staff and such enthusiastic children, everyone is a leader. Although a small school we have big ideas and, with our many partners, we can provide our children with extended opportunities for sport and enrichment, and for our staff and governors training and ideas for further improvement.

Address St. Mark’s Church of England Primary School, School Lane, Hadlow Down, East Sussex, TN22 4HY
Contact Receptionist
Address St. Mark’s Church of England Primary School, School Lane, Hadlow Down, East Sussex, TN22 4HY
Telephone 01825 830375
Email office@st-marks.e-sussex.sch.uk
Web Site URL www.st-marks-hadlowdown.co.uk

St. Mark the Evangelist Church

The congregation of St Marks will be delighted for you to join them for worship or to visit the church. We have a weekly Sunday service, usually at 9.00am, as well as special services for festivals.  Full details on our website. The church has strong links with the village school, and children are very welcome at all services, with especially family-orientated services on the second and fourth Sundays of the month.  To arrange baptisms, weddings or funerals, contact the Rector.

Charity Reg. No. 1130925
Activity Address St. Mark the Evangelist Church, Main Road, Hadlow Down
St.Mark’s Church Wardens
Janet Tourell.
Valerie Banks.
Keith Edwards.
Contact us  – stmarksdcw@gmail.com

BHD Churches
Address The Rectory, Church Road, Buxted, Uckfield, Sussex  TN22 4LP
Telephone 01825 733103
Mobile 07391028947
Email rector@bhdchurches.org.uk
Web Site URL https://www.bhdchurches.co.uk/st-marks/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/530995677082247/