
The Annual Bonfire Celebrations are organised by The Playing Field Committee with the support of volunteers. It takes place at The Playing Field and is one of our annual fundraising events. Residents meet at the New Inn to collect torches and then form a procession to the Field. On arrival at the Playing Field all torch bearers are invited to circle the Bonfire prior to the traditional Bonfire Cry being recited, then, the torches are cast onto the fire.  An organised  fireworks display follows.

It’s run by a committee of trustees with much help from our friends and volunteers.



Wilderness Wood

Community Woodland – Hadlow Downers can become members of Wilderness Wood and come for walks, BBQs, camping, Christmas markets. You are also invited to get involved with the work of stewarding and improving the woodland.  All ages welcome
Activity Address Wilderness Wood, Main Road, Hadlow Down
Contact Emily and Dan Morrish – Owner
Address Wilderness Wood, Main Road, Hadlow Down
Telephone 01825 830509
Mobile 07967343231
Web Site URL

New Village Hall

We are currently working towards creating a sustainable future for the village hall and the playing field by: re-locating the new community centre to the playing field and providing one space to accommodate sports and other community users;
promoting greater usage within the parish and increased self-generated income by making the facilities more attractive and in the case of the playing field, ensuring that the drainage is improved.

Improving heating and lighting systems and making greater use of renewable energy sources, thereby reducing hall running costs and its carbon footprint.
We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation:

Registered Charity Number: 1158375
Activity Address The Playing Field, School Lane, Hadlow Down
Contact Bob Lake – Chair
Address ‘Ailsa’, Waghorns Lane, Hadlow Down TN22 4JA
Telephone 01825 830857
Mobile 07503 217489
Web Site URL