Hadlow Down Summer Fayre

We’re thrilled to announce the Hadlow Down Village Fayre & Dog Show on Saturday, 7th September from 1pm to 5pm at the Hadlow Down Playing Field! Stay tuned for exciting updates on all the fun activities and amazing raffle prizes you won’t want to miss!

Village Article Writers

The Village Magazine is asking for volunteers who would be prepared to write and submit articles on a regular basis on any subject that could be of interest to parishioners.

As well as hoping for input of a variety of village life subjects from all residents the Mag is particularly interested in hearing from youngsters who may be doing Med
ia Studies at college. As well as being recognised for contributing something to your community it’s a great opportunity to add something to your CV!
Please contact Peter at smyth594@gmail.com if interested.

Bonfire Celebrations 2023

The Timetable Of Events for the Bonfire Celebrations on 4th. November are as follows:

Time Details
18:00 Gates open to the public for Bar and BBQ
19:15 Procession starts to form up outside the New Inn
19:30 Torchlit procession departs the New Inn
and proceeds down Hut Lane and then right
along the footpath to Waghorns Lane.
Turning left into Waghorns Lane, the procession
will turn right into School Lane and proceed
to the entrance of the Playing Field.
19:45 The Traditional Cry will be recited and
torches cast into the bonfire
20:45 Firework finale commences
(duration not exceeding 10 min)
23:00 Bar closes and the site is secured for the night

All times are approximate and subject to change.Very Important Safety Information:
No children under the age of 16 are permitted to carry torches.
Do not carry small children on your shoulders if you are a torch bearer.
Wear appropriate flame retardant clothing.
Sturdy waterproof footwear is advisable.
No animals are permitted at the Playing Field or as part of the procession.
Observe the Marshal’s instructions at all times.
Bring a torch (one of those modern battery-powered things – not fire!) for your journey home.
There is NO PARKING at the Playing Field, Where possible leave your car at home. Do not park on the pavement in School Lane, This restricts pedestrian access.

Pop Up Vintage Tea Party at the Village Hall

Please join us for a Vintage Tea Party from 3pm on Saturday 28th October.

Afternoon Tea will be served –
expect a cream tea, sandwiches and a delicious selection of cakes

Tickets are £15 and can be booked via the QR Code below
or by calling 01825 830857

There will also be  bar!

Feel free to dress accordingly, see you there,

Chin Chin!

HDCC Survey Results

8 of 10 respondents to our village survey are in support of building a new Village Hall and Sports Pavilion at the Playing Field

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey and to share their views with us. The great news is we had 131 responses to our survey which means we have a good representative sample from the parish and user groups outside of the village. The full details of the survey and all the verbatim comments can be found on the HDCC website www.newvillagehall.co.uk



Executive Summary

  • 83% of respondents agree that Hadlow Down needs a new high quality Village Hall and Sports Pavilion for use by the whole community.
  • The survey has given us plenty of evidence that supports the new proposal, particularly from a wealth of verbatim comments which are centred on the need for new modern facilities, improved access and a “community building’ for sports recreation, social events, education and entertainment.
  • Usage of our current facilities has been very similar across both sites with the village hall being used quarterly or more by 46.6% of respondents and the Pavilion 46.1% respectively within the last year. Key reasons for this low usage has been cited as poor access, limited parking, poor toilets and changing facilities in worn out/old buildings.
  • The survey data tells us that this usage would increase in the future with better facilities and a broader range of activities. Respondents want to continue with current social events but also want a New Village Hall and Sports Pavilion to provide the community with some new choices for both the old and young, such as baby and toddler groups, after school clubs, adult education classes, gardening club, community cinema, Information Technology, health and well-being, martial arts, sports coaching, art classes coffee hub, office hub etc. These make for an exciting new community space in the village.
  • There is clear support from the village community with half of the people surveyed willing to provide their personal time to progress the project in some way, offering word of mouth support, helping with door to door distribution and helping with fundraising and organising events.
  • On the other hand, there are still 17% against the proposal. Whilst these respondents currently have low usage of the current facilities their views are still important to us. Their key reasons for not supporting the proposal are that they state that the current facilities are already adequate and the new building would be too large and costly, as well as being concerned that it will bring more traffic and noise pollution to Hadlow Down. Whilst we recognise we may not change their views, we are committed to further consultation and communication for the whole community as we progress.

Continue reading “HDCC Survey Results”