Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations
Monthly Quiz Night at the New Inn
Did you know that there is a monthy quiz night held at The New Inn on the first Tuesday of every month? To enter you will need a team of four and a team name. All are welcome, Entry fee is £5
The next quiz will be held on Tuesday 2nd November. We hope to see you there !
Bonfire Night Torch Making
Torch Making
There will be Torch Making at the New Inn on Sunday 31st October lunchtime.
Help cut up hessian sacks and apply strips to the sticks. Bring scissors and hammers. Food will be available.
The Funeral of Neil Kempson – Webcast
Details for Neil’s funeral service this Thursday 24th September are to be found below.
A Webcast has been arranged so as to involve anyone who would have wanted to attend the service, as the numbers are limited due to Covid restrictions. The Cortege will also be stopping at the New Inn for 15 minutes at 11.45 am for anyone wishing to pay respects , whilst adhering to social distancing and current Covid rules please.
Service order for Mr Neil Patrick Kempson
24-Sep-20 at 1:00
Chapel: Ceremony Hall – Wealden
Website: https://www.obitus.com/
User Name: Gose2611
Password: 530483
Webcast: Live Webcast & Watch Again
You will need the above User Name & Password
You can login to the website at any time to view a test connection (and we strongly recommend you do this) but you’ll only be able to view the Live Webcast approx. 5 mins before the service start time. Please be aware this is a public building and the timing of the Live webcast is semi-automated to allow for services running early or late – please use your discretion if you can see activities not applicable to the service you are here to watch. Once the service has finished, it will take us up to 3 working days to get the 28-day Watch Again onto the website.
Neil Kempson
It is with extreme sadness that we report the passing of Neil Kempson yesterday.
Neil was a much loved member of the Hadlow Down community and will be sadly missed by all. His association with the New Inn, St. Mark’s School, the Village Fayres and everything else ‘Hadlow Down’ made him a ‘special’ villager. We are sure that the thoughts of everyone who knew Neil will be with Di and all his family
New Inn Gets a 5 Star Food Hygiene Rating
Our village hostelry has been awarded a 5* Food Hygiene Rating by The Food Standards Agency / Wealden District Council

Quiz Nights at the New Inn
Currently suspended due to Covid 19 rules. But we hope you can join us for the next Village Pub Quiz at the New Inn on any second Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm. once the rules are relaxed.
Teams of 4 are required, entry is £5 per head. Refreshments are served halfway through the questions and the winning team chooses which local cause to support by donating their winnings!
Mobiles are not to be used and turned off during the quiz. Breach of ‘phone rules will mean immediate disqualification.
The New Inn
John Booth – The Drinking Man’s Guide to Sussex & Kent 1974 “Let us have no polite hesitations about this statement, no careful conditional reservations, let the claim be made loud and boldly – The New Inn at Hadlow Down in Sussex is the best pub in the county and probably in England”.
The Village Pub Activities include some occasional drinking of ale!! And occasional traditional events such asThe Ashdown Morris, folk music, indy, rock blues and not forgetting the Quiz held every second Tuesday, teams of up to four persons. 7.30 for 8.00pm start. Winning teams get to donate the winnings to a village organisation. Sandwiches provided. £5.00 per person entry.
In the mid-1880’s a fire destroyed the old New Inn in ‘suspicious circumstances’. It was started just as the bailiffs were taking away anything saleable. The rebuilding design was undertaken in 1885 by Denman of Brighton. Throughout the latter half of the 20th century the pub earned itself a reputation which could be described either as ‘enviable’ or ‘non-enviable’ depending on what the customer’s idea of a village pub should be! The interior has a long public bar at the front and a small public room behind. ‘This is a rare example of a rural public house and hotel which retains its original fittings virtually intact’.
Address The New Inn, Main Road, Hadlow Down, East Sussex. TN22 4HJ
Contact Staff behind the bar
Mobile 07909 904870
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenewinn.hadlowdown/?fref=ts