Village Lottery Draw


The New Village Hall Committee is pleased to confirm the next Lottery Draw will be held at the Combined village societies AGM  on the 23rd July in the Village Hall. The Committee would like to thank everyone that has renewed their numbers this year. There are still numbers available to purchase. Tickets are £12 annually, a maximum of 12 tickets can be held by one participant. There are three draws per year and the jackpot is shared between  3 entrants.

The  prize fund will be 50% of the Income for that 4 month period—

1st prize = 50% of prize fund.
2nd prize = 37.5% of prize fund.
3rd prize = 12.5% of prize fund.

Please contact Janet Tourell if you would like to purchase a ticket or renew your numbers Email:

The next draw, after the 23rd July, will be held at the Christmas Market, also in the Village Hall. Dates for this will be published here and on the lottery page of New Village Hall website as soon as they have been confirmed.

*For full details of the HDCC Lottery including terms and conditions please visit our website here

**For details of previous draws please visit our website here


Village Societies AGM

The AGM, due to be held in February, was postponed due to Covid-19 Restrictions. We are pleased to announce it has now been re-scheduled for 23rd July. Please come along to hear from your Village Societies, perhaps you are interested in volunteering or are new to the village? All are welcome, refreshments will be served. The meeting will be held at the Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Hort.Soc. 2021 Annual Show

We are pleased to announce that the Horticultural Society have decided to go ahead with this years Annual Show.
In order to create more space for people to move around the tables in line with Covid-19 guidelines some of the usual categories in the show schedule have been cut.  There will be no ‘Pot Plant’, ‘Craft’, or ‘Children’s’ categories.  Please see the schedule for other changes.
Hopefully refreshments will be available in a gazebo outside the hall.

Please click here to see or download the Entry Form & Rules
And click here for the Schedule

History of Hadlow Down Village Hall

Hadlow Down’s first village hall, although not named as such, was a large hut obtained from the YMCA and erected on land donated by the Eridge Estate; it was always known as ‘the Hut’ or ‘the Red Triangle Hut’ after its previous owners’ symbol.  Opened on June 8th 1921 by Princess Marie Louise, Queen Victoria’s last grandchild, it immediately became the focal point for many of the village’s activities. The Hut hosted many social occasions, classes, Horticultural Society meetings, the Organ Club, British Legion (male and female branches) the Happy Circle for older members of the village, the Jazz Club, the Pied Pipers drama group, and the Bowls Club. It was also used for more formal meetings such as the Church Parochial Council and the Parish Council. Continue reading “History of Hadlow Down Village Hall”

Neighbours Object as New Plan Submitted for Homes on Village Hall Site

From Uckfield News:

A new outline planning application has been submitted to demolish Hadlow Down Village Hall and build three homes on the site.

Outline permission was given in 2018 for the project- see a previous Uckfield News story: Plans to demolish village hall and build three homes approved – but reserved matters have not been submitted within the three years required.

The same design and access statement submitted for the first application, number WD/2018/0089/0 accompanies the new application, number WD/2021/0471.

Continue reading “Neighbours Object as New Plan Submitted for Homes on Village Hall Site”

The Spring Market.

Unfortunately due to the Covid-19 virus the Hadlow Down Spring Market that was to be held on on Saturday, 21st March has had to be cancelled
Please watch these pages for details of rearranged fayres/markets later in the year

A Thank You from Macmillan

Just received from Macmillan Cancer Support.
Thanks to everyone who came and supported the cause.  Special thanks to those who helped on the morning and the Village Hall for making the venue possible

Hadlow Down BIG Macmillan Coffee Morning

 One week to go before the Hadlow Down Macmillan BIG Coffee Morning.
A fabulous way to meet up with old friends, make new ones, for those new to our community an opportunity to meet established residents, to find out what may be going on in our drama, horticultural, book and other clubs.
A chance to chat about who’s doing what and what’s going on.
Chat about anything and anyone over a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy a piece of cake by the renowned bakers of our village.
Oh, and of course, when you have your coffee and cake you’re helping the wonderful Macmillan Cancer Relief Charity!