Booking Secretary Required for Hadlow Down Village Hall.

The Village Hall Committee are looking for a replacement for our bookings secretary, who is stepping down from her position. This is a salaried post and requires approximately 10 hours per month. The bookings secretary is responsible for taking bookings over email and phone, managing the online diary, updating the website, putting a user check list sheet in the hall at the start of each week, monthly invoicing sent out via email.
For any queries regarding this post, or if you would like to apply please contact Sally Blyfield on

Horticultural Society Autumn Supper

The Horticultural Society invite you to join them for their Autumn supper to be followed by a talk from Fergus Garrett, head gardener at Great Dixter.

Held at the Village Hall on 16th October ~ 6.30 for 7pm.

Tickets £8 for members, £10 for non-members. The talk will be after supper.  For bookings and enquiries please contact Barbara Ball on 01825 830231.


Charity Quiz Night

Come and support your local charity Engage in their annual fund-raising quiz. All proceeds go to running the TN22 Clubs, which helps to combat social isolation and loneliness and provides a vital resource for carers.

Race Night!

Hadlow Down Playing Field presents a

At the Village Hall on Saturday 28th September.

To include a curry supper and a licensed bar.

£15 per person – Tickets 01825 830857

Races on the big screen – The Village Bookmaker will be there!

Public Meeting







The Hadlow Down Community Centre Committee hope you will join them on Monday 3rd December in the Village Hall  from 7.30pm. They will be updating villagers on progress with the New Village Hall and next steps. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions and to see the most up to date plans.

Big Village Quiz & Curry Evening

Please join us for the BIG VILLAGE QUIZ & CURRY EVENING.


On Saturday 13th October starting at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Tickets are £10 per head and includes the price of your meal, teams of 8 are required. There will also be a bar.

To book your place please contact Glenys on 01825 830857 or Sarah 01825 839373.


The BIG Macmillan Coffee Morning

Once again the small village with a big heart that recognises the wonderful work the Macmillan Trust Charity does has turned out for coffee and cake and helped raise a magnificent £414.44
The Charity boxes are still open for those who couldn’t be there on the morning.  Just ring 01825 830661 to find out where you can leave a contribution.
Many, many thanks to the cake makers, the helpers on the morning and to all the coffee and cake loving donors.