Race Night!

Hadlow Down Playing Field presents a

At the Village Hall on Saturday 28th September.

To include a curry supper and a licensed bar.

£15 per person – Tickets 01825 830857

Races on the big screen – The Village Bookmaker will be there!

Public Meeting







The Hadlow Down Community Centre Committee hope you will join them on Monday 3rd December in the Village Hall  from 7.30pm. They will be updating villagers on progress with the New Village Hall and next steps. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions and to see the most up to date plans.

Big Village Quiz & Curry Evening

Please join us for the BIG VILLAGE QUIZ & CURRY EVENING.


On Saturday 13th October starting at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Tickets are £10 per head and includes the price of your meal, teams of 8 are required. There will also be a bar.

To book your place please contact Glenys on 01825 830857 or Sarah 01825 839373.


The BIG Macmillan Coffee Morning

Once again the small village with a big heart that recognises the wonderful work the Macmillan Trust Charity does has turned out for coffee and cake and helped raise a magnificent £414.44
The Charity boxes are still open for those who couldn’t be there on the morning.  Just ring 01825 830661 to find out where you can leave a contribution.
Many, many thanks to the cake makers, the helpers on the morning and to all the coffee and cake loving donors.

Open Gardens are back!

Please join us on Saturday 16th June 12:00pm – 5:00pm

After the successful launch of the Open Gardens Project last year during the Celebrate Festival its back! With even more gardens for you to view. Teas will be served all afternoon at both Hadlow Lodge, Wilderness Lane and Springwell Cottage, Hall Lane.

The Gardens
The Corner Cottage, Wilderness Lane
Hardly Beacon, Wilderness Lane
Hadlow Lodge, Wilderness Lane
Gyll Hope Farm, Wilderness Lane
Rose Cottage, Hall Lane
Springwell Cottage, Hall Lane
Hastingford Lodge, Hastingford Lane

Entry is £5 per person, payable at the first garden you visit. Children under 16 free. Look out for the balloons at the entrance to each garden.

All proceeds will go to the Alzheimers Society and Engage Charity.


New Village Hall

We are currently working towards creating a sustainable future for the village hall and the playing field by: re-locating the new community centre to the playing field and providing one space to accommodate sports and other community users;
promoting greater usage within the parish and increased self-generated income by making the facilities more attractive and in the case of the playing field, ensuring that the drainage is improved.

Improving heating and lighting systems and making greater use of renewable energy sources, thereby reducing hall running costs and its carbon footprint.
We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation:

Registered Charity Number: 1158375
Activity Address The Playing Field, School Lane, Hadlow Down
Contact Bob Lake – Chair
Address ‘Ailsa’, Waghorns Lane, Hadlow Down TN22 4JA
Telephone 01825 830857
Mobile 07503 217489
Email hadlowdowncommunitycentre@gmail.com
Web Site URL www.newvillagehall.co.uk