St Mark’s Church News for February 2021.

St Mark’s church news for February 2021.

I suppose this should begin with ‘A Happy New Year to all our readers’!  I think we have all been saying ‘Well it couldn’t be worse!’

As I write, 3 of the new vaccines have been approved for use in the UK, and the Buxted surgery has just started calling the over 70s for vaccination.  Let us pray this will indeed be the beginning of a Happy New Year for us all.  So sadly we are presently in the process of a 3rd lockdown, and that has meant some big decisions needing to be made for our Parish of Buxted and Hadlow Down.

Continue reading “St Mark’s Church News for February 2021.”

A Thank You from Macmillan

Just received from Macmillan Cancer Support.
Thanks to everyone who came and supported the cause.  Special thanks to those who helped on the morning and the Village Hall for making the venue possible

Vandals Set Fire to School ‘Outdoor Classroom’

Many villagers may already be aware, that sadly some mindless individuals have intentionally set fire to St. Mark’s School ‘outdoor classroom’ area at SMILE Meadow. The school has informed the Police and the Fire Service and, at present, are thinking of how they can move forward to rebuild this area for the children. As this is a temporary structure, it is unfortunately not insured. Once the school has some ideas, they would like to call on all parents and the village community for any donations of materials and time to help us with its reconstruction.

Continue reading “Vandals Set Fire to School ‘Outdoor Classroom’”

A Message From a Prospective Parish Councillor

My name is Peter Weston. I decided to stand for election to Hadlow Down Parish Council after reading an article in the Parish Magazine that said the Parish Council was in danger of folding because too few local residents might put their names forward for election. As a firm believer in local democracy I do not want the Council to disappear so I decided that it is about time I became more involved with, and put something back into, the community in which I have lived for almost 32 years, particularly in relation to improving access (i.e. communications, utilites and public transport) and the environment. Continue reading “A Message From a Prospective Parish Councillor”