Horticultural Society Annual Show Schedule 2023
View or Download the Annual Horticultural Society Show Schedule with Entry Form from here:
Hort. Soc. Schedule 2023
HDCC Survey and Q&A meeting
Hadlow Down Community Centre (HDCC) would like to thank all respondents that have taken the time to complete our survey since the consultation period opened on 3rd July.
If you haven’t yet completed it, there is still plenty of time to give your views.
HDCC is proposing to build a new Village Hall and Sports Pavilion at the Playing Field. The new building will include a much larger main hall, more adequate storage spaces, a meeting room and modern kitchen facilities. Much needed changing facilities, showers, storage, club room and a bar are also planned. There will be parking for 43 cars, including 5 spaces for disabled users, 10 bicycle parking spaces and 20% of the car parking spaces will be fitted with electric charging points.
Hadlow Down residents, along with Village Hall and Pavilion users, are invited to complete an on-line survey here
If you would prefer to complete a paper copy of the survey please email Geoff Gregory geoff.gregory@outlook.com or call 07936 678891
Delivery and collection will then be arranged. A pre-paid return envelope can be provided, if you would prefer to remain anonymous.
Comments will be published anonymously with the report.
Results will be independently verified and reported to parishioners in the Village Magazine, on the Village Website and on the HDCC website.
How can I give my views?
The consultation period will begin on the 3rd July and will run for a period of three weeks, closing on 24th July.
Parishioners and current user groups from both the Village Hall and Sports Pavilion are invited to respond. You can find out more about the project either on our website www.newvillagehall.co.uk or in our latest newsletter here
There will be a public meeting to be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 20th July (7.30 pm) which we hope will achieve several things:-
- After the AGM held in February and the feedback we received, we would like to invite parishioners to a public meeting. HDCC would like to provide an opportunity for those concerned about the project to share their thoughts and ask any questions they may have. We ask that questions be submitted in advance in order that we can respond fully and in detail.
- Many of you have been wondering if the project is still alive and the meeting will enable us to reassure local people that we are attempting to move forward;
- If we can attract new residents to the parish to attend the meeting, they will be made aware of the project and what we hope to achieve – who knows, they may want to get involved!!
- It will give us an opportunity to encourage all those present to complete the online survey so that we get a high response level.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Q & A session, please send your questions to Mandy Chapman
mandy.chapman45@googlemail.com to arrive by 18th July
You can still submit your views until by taking our online survey here
The survey remains open until 24th July 2023
Standen, Gerald ( – 22nd September 1999)
The New Inn
Awaiting input
Minutes, Agenda & Cllr. updates for HD PC Meeting 4th July 2023
Pilot Officer W. H. G. (Scotty) Gordon (1920 – 1940)
Pilot Officer W. H. G. (Scotty) Gordon
The intention of including ‘Biography’ pages in the ‘Village Trust’ section of the Hadlow Down web site (www.hadlowdown.com) was to provide readers with an informative collection of notable people who by residency, birth, marriage or contribution to its social history were associated with Hadlow Down.
An exception to the normal criteria for inclusion is that of P/O W.H.G Gordon who was sadly shot down over Howbourne Farm fields, Hadlow Down while piloting a Spitfire on September 6th 1940, during a ferocious dogfight with three German Messerschmitt 109’s. Continue reading “Pilot Officer W. H. G. (Scotty) Gordon (1920 – 1940)”
Hadlow Down Drama and Variety Club Programme
Tinkers Park – Model Railways Plus & Bus Running
Filming at the New Inn
Here is the official poster for the independent, small budget British made film which includes scenes shot in the New Inn Haflow Down with upcoming and seasoned actresses & actors, amazing local crew, artistic & incredibly hardworking MUA’s, Kent & Sussex locations, the best vintage car owners, many volunteers and supporting a much needed local charity – Family Matters. We are so proud to have reached this point. Follow us for trailers & information on the Premiere.
Click on the link to watch trailer https://fb.watch/lnPnDSj6hi/
Hadlow Down Book Club Review – July
This month we have been reading The Dance Tree by Kiran Millwood Hargrave (2022). Recommended by BBC2’s ‘Between the Covers’, we found it to somewhat of a ‘Marmite’ book.
It is set during the real-life dancing mania of 1518 in Strasbourg when hundreds of women joined in a dance, without stopping despite hunger and bleeding feet, part of a mania that occurred in Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries. It is narrated through the eyes of Lisbet, a farmer’s wife heavily with her thirteenth child, having lost the previous twelve. The whole region is suffering from famine due to the drought and the blistering hot summer. It is also suffering from the oppression of a tyrannical Authority controlled by a corrupt and powerful Church. Lisbet is in a loveless marriage and desperate to bear this baby successfully. She is a lonely figure surrounded by mysteries – what sin was her sister-in-law Agnethe guilty of that she was sent away to a monastery for seven years and has now returned emaciated and with a scarred shaven head? Why is Ida, Lisbet’s best friend behaving so oddly? Why is Sophe her mother-in-law so grim? Continue reading “Hadlow Down Book Club Review – July”