Table Top Sale at the Village Hall


A Table Top Sale will be held as part of the ongoing fundraising efforts for the New Village Hall.

Please come along to the
Village Hall on Sunday 3rd July, 9.00 am – 1.00 pm
to join in the fun, free entry to all! And you might just unearth a treasure!

Refreshments will be served throughout.

Join our Village Lottery for a chance to win a cash prize at our next draw which will be held at this event.

If you would like to secure a Table to sell from please contact Janet tables will be allocated on a first come first served basis.


A Taste of Sport

Come and join the children of St Mark’s as they take part in ‘A Taste of Sport’ on Friday, 17th June (3.00 pm) on the Hadlow Down Playing Field. More info to follow in June.

Waste Collection Industrial Action

GMB Union members based at two Wealden depots have not agreed to a pay offer from WDC waste collection and street cleansing contractor Biffa.  WDC have been informed by Biffa, that members of their workforce belonging to the GMB union intend to take strike action from Monday 2nd May over pay.
Whilst Biffa continue to negotiate with the GMB union and the staff involved to reach a fair settlement, this action will inevitably impact on the waste collection and street cleansing services they are able to operate across the District.
WDC are continuing to work with Biffa’s management to reduce the impact on services and updates will be made to the Council’s website daily from Monday.
See Wealden District Council update:

Grants to Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise Organisations 2022/2023


Grants to Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise Organisations

The code requires that local authorities must publish details of all grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations. This can be achieved by either:

  • Tagging and hence specifically identifying transactions which relate to voluntary, community or social enterprise organisations within published data on expenditure over £500 or published procurement information, or
  • By publishing a separate list or register

For each identified grant, the following information must be published as a minimum:

  • Date the grant was awarded
  • Time period for which the grant has been given
  • Local authority department which has awarded the grant
  • Beneficiary
  • Beneficiary’s registration number (where applicable)
  • Summary of the purpose of the grant
  • Amount


Name of Organisation Amount Awarded in 2022/2023
Kent, Sussex & Surrey Air Ambulance £100
Wealden Citizens Advice £150
Hadlow Down Parish Magazine £600
Hadlow Down Village Hall £200
Hadlow Down Playing Field Committee £1,820