St. Mark’s Swimming Success
St. Mark’s school were placed first in the Uckfield Swimming Gala!

There were excellent individual performances and the overall team result was outstanding.

Fire Services Tackle Hadlow Down Blaze
East Sussex Fire and Rescue Services were called out to a a large garden fire in the centre of Hadlow Down on Wednesday evening.

New Date announced for Race Night
The New Village Hall Committee are delighted to announce that “Race Night” will be going ahead on Saturday April 2nd at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. We do hope that you will join us for a really fun event, including a curry* and a chance to bet on the races. Tables will be made of eight at £15 per head. You can either buy a whole table or individual tickets. This event is being held to raise funds for our new Village Hall, there are lots of ways you can support us –
Sponsor a race for £50 and name the race!
Become a race horse owner, only £5 per horse. There will be prizes on the night for the winning owners.
Bets will cost £1 per horse, prize money will be shared equally between the winners and the HDCC
Tickets are £15 per head and include a bowl of *curry and rice
There will be a licensed bar
For more details, to buy tickets and or to pledge your support please contact Bob on 830857
*vegetarian/vegan option available, please pre-order with your ticket
Discipline & Grievance Policy
Minutes, Agenda & Reports incl. Volunteer Event Draft Plan, for HD PC meeting 1st February 2022
Link to report for Item249iii “Concerns re peak hour `rat run’ into Spring Lane”:
Hadlow Down Book Club Review January 2022
The Hadlow Down Book Club’s review of their December 2021 reading
An Experiment in Love (1995) by Hilary Mantel –
Click here to read or download PDF Book Club January 2022
H D Hort. Soc. Newsletter
January 2022 Newsletter
Wealden DC Consulting Residents on Council Tax Rises
Have your say on Council Tax Increases!
Wealden DC are consulting residents on increasing Council Tax for the next financial Year.
The closing date for the consultation period is 20th January. and it is therefor important for residents to submit any comments as soon as possible.
The page that outlines the consultation is:
and the link to the consultation itself is: