WDC Food Providers Register

Wealden District Environmental Health Team has drawn up a register of food businesses continuing to provide takeaway and delivery services in Wealden and Rother.  It includes contact details and food hygiene ratings.
Hadlow Down Online has edited the document to show only those locations within a reasonable distance from Hadlow Down.
C;ick here to see document
Wealden Food Directory
The full list document can be found in the Wealden District Council web site

The Mayfield Trust – Hardship Grants

The Mayfield Trust exists specifically to give grants of money to individuals or families, resident in Mayfield, Five Ashes or Hadlow Down, who find themselves facing financial difficulty. This may be particularly relevant right now as the Covid-19 pandemic impacts on all our lives. If you think you might qualify for a grant from the trust because you are unable to work and / or are incurring extra expenses at the moment either due to Covid-19 or to any other reason, or if you know of someone else in the village in a this situation, do please contact Penny on 830006.

TV License Phishing Scam

Phishing scams seem to be coming thick and fast lately!
These nasty people are probably trying to take advantage of preoccupation with other concerns?
This is the latest to be notified to us and received by someone in the village, it is asking for a new Direct Debit to be set up for TV License renewal. Apart from inaccuracies such as dates etc. note the email address from who/where it was sent!
Never click on links if you are unsure!

Door-to-door Virus Check Scams

Village Volunteers have received information that door to door fraudsters have been operating in West Sussex offering Covid-19 Virus checks that are fake. It is almost inevitable that even if these particular fraudsters don’t target future victims in East Sussex and our local area someone else is liable to.
These are always going to be fake offers and anyone receiving callers at their doors offering virus checks should immediately contact the police.
There are a multitude of other scams regarding the virus that have been reported please watch out for details of them on national and local news stations
Please do not become a fraud statistic by falling for fake calls, emails or any other type of contact regarding the corona virus.