The Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator for the whole of the Hadlow Down Area is:
Eddie Westfield
Phone: 01825 830661
Fake Netflix Emails
Increase in emails stating the recipients must update their Netflix account information to resolve a payment issue.
The links in the emails lead to a ‘genuine’ looking website that is designed to steal your Netflix login credentials as well as personal and financial information.
Don’t click the links, or check your Netflix account and make contact with them directly via the contact us on Netflix official pages if you have any concerns.
Courier Fraud
Sussex Police Warns Of Danger Of Courier Fraud
Sussex Police warns of the dangers of courier fraud as it supports Operation Radium, a nationwide campaign to target fraudulent criminality and build up information on organised crime groups behind the scams.
In 2019 Sussex police received 550 reports of courier/impersonator fraud targeting vulnerable victims.
Out of those reports, 67% of victims lived alone and 78% were aged 75 and over. The recorded total loss to these victims is £1,057,136 with an average of £8000 being lost in each case where there was a loss. Continue reading “Courier Fraud”
Horticultural Society Spring Dates
The Horticultural Society’s AGM in the Village Hall on Tuesday, 17th March at 10.00 am has been cancelled due to ‘self isolation’advice concerning the corono-virus.
Membership for 2020 is now due. As Barbara Ball has retired as Membership Secretary please contact Kathy Cracknell for a membership card on 01825 830616 or email:
The Spring Supper on Wednesday, 22nd April has been cancelled due to ‘self isolation’advice concerning the corono-virus.
Latest Lottery Results
Lottery winners Update – last draw – Christmas Market 2019:
Paul Presler (prize £161)
Bill Hunter (prize £121)
Bob Spencer (prize £35)
We are delighted that some of our winners have chosen to donate their winnings to our fundraising efforts – our thanks to them.
As you know we are now Fundraising in earnest for the first phase of building costs. We estimate we will require in the region of £1.2mto complete the build. The Community Centre Lottery will be one of many ways we hope to achieve this figure. There are three draws annually: at the Spring Market, the Village Fayre and the Christmas Market. If you would like to join the Lottery Club and contribute towards building our new centre please contact me and I will send you details.
Janet Tourell – Email:
The Spring Market.
Unfortunately due to the Covid-19 virus the Hadlow Down Spring Market that was to be held on on Saturday, 21st March has had to be cancelled
Please watch these pages for details of rearranged fayres/markets later in the year
Minutes December 16th 2019
Minutes December 3rd 2019
Flood Warnings
The government issued Flood Warnings for the following areas overnight.
Freshfield Bridge to Sharpsbridge
and Flood Alerts for the River Ouse and the River Uck.
May be a good Idea to check the situation if considering travelling around these areas.