Hastingford Lane Closed

We are getting reports that Hastingford Lane that runs between Hadlow Down and Crowborough is closed  due to a RTA and police say it may be closedc for the rest of the day.
Other reports suggest that going via Stonehurst Lane past KIt Wilson and then via Rotherfield may be an option.
Villagers are currently updating on the Village Facebook page

Race Night!

Hadlow Down Playing Field presents a

At the Village Hall on Saturday 28th September.

To include a curry supper and a licensed bar.

£15 per person – Tickets 01825 830857

Races on the big screen – The Village Bookmaker will be there!

Hadlow Down Variety and Drama Club


Do you like to act, sing or dance? Can you play the piano or keyboard? Can you sew? Make and paint scenery? Design and make props? Are you interested in Sound and Lighting for stage productions? Can you design and sew costumes? Are you good at Publicity, Stage Management, or just making tea?
If you answer ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, then come and join Hadlow Down Variety and Drama Club.
Well established, we are a very friendly, fun-loving, lively and informal group. We put on plays, murder mystery dinners and pantomimes – all performed by the village, for the village.
In addition, we meet socially for meals out, mime and improvisation evenings, theatre visits and an annual barbecue. We are always looking to welcome new members.

The HDCC Lottery Club

The HDCC Committee has recently had good news, planning permission to go ahead with building the new community centre on the playing field site has been approved by Wealden Council! We are very excited about this because at last we can start fund-raising and planning for the future in earnest.

It will be a huge project for our village; £1.2m to raise!

The Community Centre Lottery will be one of many ways we’re using to achieve this figure. Many thanks to all those who are already members, we are keen to attract new players. Each ticket is £12 (£1 per month) and we renew annually.

There are three draws annually: at the Spring Market, the Village Fayre and the Christmas Market. If you would like to join the Lottery Club and contribute towards building our new centre please contact me and I will send you details.

Janet Tourell – Email: jtourell@btinternet.com

New Village Hall Update

Another big step towards having our new hall

Isn’t it fantastic when one receives good news?  At a recent meeting of Wealden’s Planning Committee (North) our project was granted full planning permission and unusually the consent will last for five years rather than the customary three.  So now we can turn our attention and efforts towards raising the princely sum of approximately £1.2 million.  Clearly, we don’t have anyone in the parish that has that sort of money lying around so we need to get busy applying to organisations such as Sport England, the Football Foundation, the Big Lottery Fund and several charitable trusts.  Also we might wish to consider organising some major fund-raising events. Continue reading “New Village Hall Update”

Fun Dog Show at The Village Fayre

The fantastic Hadlow Down FUN DOG SHOW is back!
Do come and join in on Saturday 20th July…with big thanks to our brilliant sponsors Windmill Feeds & Saddlery
Rosettes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places plus treats from Windmill Feeds!
Classes will be judged by Deborah Pett, Veterinary Surgeon Cinder Hill Equine Clinic
Our timed Dog agility trials will be running all afternoon too!
Handlers can enter as many classes as they wish £1.50 per entry. See you and your four legged friends there!
All the information on classes can be found on the Village Fayre Page