Jumble Sale this weekend!

Have you had a spring clean and clear out! We would love your jumble.

Please bring any donations to the Village Hall on Saturday 4th May, between 9.30 am and 10.30 am

The Sale will be between 2 pm and 4 pm, best of all, proceeds will go towards building our New Community Centre.

With thanks, as always, to the community for supporting our events and to all our marvelous volunteers.

See you on Saturday!

A Village Trust Mini Biography – Dollina Margaret Ford (1891- 1912)

Dollina Margaret Ford (1891- 1912)
When the Titanic passenger liner sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on April
15, 1912, after hitting an iceberg on the maiden voyage, there were a number
of Sussex people on board.
Dollina Margaret Ford was born to on the 13th of June 1891 in Hadlow Down
to Margaret and Edward Ford. Her father registered her birth on the 29th of
July. She was the couple’s first child and was Baptised at the Parish Church of St. Mark the Evangelist on the 23rd of August 1891. Dollina was named after a maternal aunt. Continue reading “A Village Trust Mini Biography – Dollina Margaret Ford (1891- 1912)”

Notifications to be discussed at 2nd April 2024 HD PC meeting


Replacement of ground floor sun room windows and doors incorporating 2 no. Structural timber posts to the south elevation. The addition of a heritage conservation type roof window as part of the previously consented re-tiling of the roof above the ground floor kitchen.
Link to documents: Planning and Building Control – Wealden District Council




Village Article Writers

The Village Magazine is asking for volunteers who would be prepared to write and submit articles on a regular basis on any subject that could be of interest to parishioners.

As well as hoping for input of a variety of village life subjects from all residents the Mag is particularly interested in hearing from youngsters who may be doing Med
ia Studies at college. As well as being recognised for contributing something to your community it’s a great opportunity to add something to your CV!
Please contact Peter at smyth594@gmail.com if interested.