School Lane patching works 29th March 2019

ESCC Highways will be undertaking carriageway patching works on School Lane on Friday 29th March.  It will remain open with temporary traffic lights in place from 930am, these will be removed by school pick up time.

If you have any questions please ring 0345 60 80 193

Parish Council Clerk

Parish Assembly 16th April 2019

The Parish Council will be holding their Parish Assembly on Tuesday 16th April at 7pm at the Hadlow Down Village Hall.  Please join us to find out what the Parish Council have been up to in the last year and how they have spent your money.  You will have the opportunity to raise questions and join us and other villagers for drinks and nibbles after the meeting.  If you have any questions about the Parish Assembly please contact the Clerk on 01435 860959 or email:


Hadlow Down Remembers…

In the autumn of 2018, the Parish of Buxted and Hadlow Down received a National Lottery grant of £10,000 for a project ‘Remembering our Heroes’ within the parish but mainly in the Hadlow Down area. Awarded through the Heritage Lottery Fund’s First World War then and now programme, the project focused on paying tribute to the men and women from our community who bravely served their country during WW1. Continue reading “Hadlow Down Remembers…”

The Mayfield Trust

The Trustees of the Mayfield Trust have asked asked if we could help raise awareness in the Village about it’s activities. We are only to pleased to do so…

What is The Mayfield Trust?

Mayfield Charity (informally known as the Mayfield Trust) is a Charity that provides short-term assistance to those most in need within the local community.  Originally it provided help solely to poor and needy individuals/families of the Parish, but in recent years the scope of the Trust has been increased and we are now able, in some circumstances, to assist local organisations in their support of the community. Continue reading “The Mayfield Trust”