Speeding in Hadlow Down
Following extensive research by the Parish Council into the possibility of traffic calming measures in the village the Parish Council have issued the following document in order that villagers are aware of the constraints that currently affect Hadlow Down. Continue reading “Speeding in Hadlow Down”
News and what’s on at Wilderness Wood
We are rattling along with the frame and rafters for the new wood-house opposite the cafe – nearly ready to start using all those chestnut shingles that many of you have helped us make. Two more weddings on September 8th and 15th when the wood is closed to all other visitors and members – but open again on the Sundays at 9am. Continue reading “News and what’s on at Wilderness Wood”
Agenda September 04 09 2018
Minutes August 21 08 2018
Agenda August 21 08 2018 – Planning Meeting
Finding Additional Support in Event of Power Cuts
Power cuts don’t happen very often these days, but if there’s a power cut, have you ever wondered how some people would cope?
The electricity network is built to be resilient but extreme weather, including storms, heavy summer rain and lightning, can affect overhead power lines. The public should stay well clear from power lines, and anyone spotting a damaged power line needs to report it immediately by calling 105. More information about power cuts and reporting faults can be found athttps://www.powercut105.com . Continue reading “Finding Additional Support in Event of Power Cuts”
Duck Road Casualty
Story from the Eastbourne Herald
A road casualty duck had to be admitted earlier this week from Curtain Hill Hadlow Down. The poor creature was found around midnight so rescuers attended and found the duck had some road burn and a few puncture wounds which were cleaned up back at WRAS’s hospital. Continue reading “Duck Road Casualty”
Deer Rescue in Hadlow Down
Wildlife rescuers save deer whose antlers were attached to barbed wire fence
The distressed animal was found in a field off Stonehurst Lane in Hadlow Down, Uckfield, on Thursday. It was struggling frantically before a team from the East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance (WRAS) arrived.